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July 24, 2008

Hillary Donors Not Backing Obama

Hillary Donors Not Backing Obama

Wednesday, July 23, 2008 12:53 PM

Sen. Barack Obama works the crowd in Sderot, Israel, Wed. The candidate is charming the continent, but can he win the minds and hearts of Hillary fans?

Of the 311 fundraisers who bundled more than $100,000 in donations for Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, only eight are on the list of contributors to Barack Obama’s campaign in June.

Their total for the month: just $19,250.

“The fact that fewer than 3 percent of Clinton’s donors have donated any money directly to Obama in his first month as presumptive nominee is likely to raise the eyebrows of some leaders in the Democratic Party who are hoping to see signs of unity,” the Huffington Post observed.

The Washington Post reported that a total of 2,200 individual Clinton donors — as distinct from the big-money fundraisers tracked by The Huffington Post — became first-time donors to Obama’s campaign in June. They contributed $1.8 million, or just 4 percent, of the $52 million the campaign raised last month.

Obama donors are evidently returning the “favor.” They gave just $105,000 in June to help Clinton repay her $25 million campaign debt, according to the Los Angeles Times.

For the Obama campaign, the easiest way to drum up support from Clinton’s contributors is to put her on the ticket, Hillary fundraiser Susie Tompkins Buell told The Huffington Post: “The magic solution in general is the vice presidency. It heals all the wounds immediately.”

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