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September 14, 2008

Are Pelosi's allies chickening out on their 550,000 job giveaway?

Are Pelosi's allies chickening out on their 550,000 job giveaway?

. . . The House Judiciary Committee has found excuses to put off this awful visa increase till next week
--we can still beat it!

It's important to receive your donations today.

Go Here To Donate https://www.numbersusa.com/content/action/donate-online-credit-card.html


Our opponents in the U.S. House Judiciary Committee desperately want to give away 550,000 American jobs!

If it were to pass, H.R. 5882 would bring in 550,000 permanent greencard holders, above the 1 million immigrants already planned! With U.S. unemployment shooting up to a five-year high, this is the very worst time to add more competition to Americans.

But Nancy Pelosi and her allies backed down yesterday before they could get the immigration increase past the Judiciary Committee. They thought it would be easy. Instead, they ran into a buzzsaw.

That's because our army of hundreds of thousands of citizen activists swung into action, swamping the opposition with phone calls and faxes.

By last night it became clear our opponents just couldn't make it happen. So they delayed action till next week, hoping opposition will die down.

Fat chance! We're never going to give up or give in. But our danger is SEVERE!

go Here To Donate https://www.numbersusa.com/content/action/donate-online-credit-card.html

In the midst of all Roy's requests to you to fax and phone, the NumbersUSA business staff reminds us that this is the mid-month point when we need to raise another month's financial support for our operations.

Did you know that NumbersUSA depends on contributions from first-time donors for one-quarter of our support? We really do need your help.

Especially in this time of political crisis, we need thousands of you to press the button below as soon as you receive this email.

NumbersUSA employs the four finest immigration lobbyists in America, fighting day and night . . . gathering intelligence, mustering arguments, devising strategies. Did you know that our opposition's lobbyists outnumber us more than 100 to 1? That's why we need your help.

Our biggest asset is you and your friends, our activist army that has now grown to over 739,000 activist members. YOU and your colleagues have sent more than a 100,000 faxes THIS WEEK ALONE to Congress using the unique NumbersUSA faxing system.
Imagine our members going down individually to copy shops and sending that many faxes to Congress in a single week. What would it cost? Not only is our service always no cost to you, but we do almost all the work in sending the faxes.
The struggle is now, and we need your help right now.

Go here to donate https://www.numbersusa.com/content/action/donate-online-credit-card.html

Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.


Vice President, Operations

Numbers USA
1601 N. Kent Street
Suite 1100
Arlington, VA 22209

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