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October 30, 2008


Time is running out! We must act now so that left wing groups like ACORN know that they can't get away with "stealing" your vote!

But as if potentially "stealing" your vote was not bad enough - to add insult to injury - a new story has come to light that is equally as troubling:

If you're a soldier overseas - putting your life on the line to defend and preserve our freedoms - FORGET IT... YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK... APPARENTLY YOUR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT!

According to the website StoptheACLU.com:

"This year’s election mischief is not limited to the fraud perpetrated by Obama’s old ACORN friends. Swing state Virginia has been finding lame excuses to toss out military ballots, even as it allows nonresident college students to vote there... As if to replace the military voters who will not be allowed a say in the election, bureaucrats have visited Fairfax County jail to encourage criminals to vote."

Just in case you haven't heard the story, essentially, the Fairfax County Virginia Registrar of Voters found a discrepancy between the Virginia law and the federal law and used it as a pathetic excuse to start throwing out absentee votes of service members.

According to the Associated Press, Fairfax County General Registrar Rokey W. Suleman II said; "We're following the letter of Virginia law."

Jed Babbin with Human Events knew better:

"The just-issued opinion smacks down the partisan effort by Fairfax registrar Rokey Suleman who -- contrary to federal law -- was requiring military absentee ballots to show the address of the witness countersigning the ballot."

For the record, the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia Bob McDonnell issued an opinion on Monday in defense of our men and women in uniform but Suleman's bone-headed action is just one example of the transparent hypocrisy of the liberal bureaucrats across the country.

It's likely you'll hear of more.

And one thing is becoming abundantly clear.

It's not about attempting to "stop voter disenfranchisement" or making sure that "every vote counts."

That's why, with the election about a week away, we can't afford to lose a second!

Patriotic Americans must stand up and continue to be counted!

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


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We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

It's A Little Bigger Than A Few Dead People Voting In Chicago.

Recently, we told you about massive voter registration fraud in Nevada and Georgia.

To refresh your memory, according to the liberal New York Times:

"In the year ending Sept. 30, election officials in Nevada, for example, used the Social Security database more than 740,000 times to check voter files or registration applications and found more than 715,000 nonmatches, federal records show. Election officials in Georgia ran more than 1.9 million checks on voter files or voter registration applications and found more than 260,000 nonmatches."

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Add Indiana, Ohio and Colorado to the list.

According to the Associated Press:

"The Indiana secretary of state's office says it has found evidence of 'multiple criminal violations' in connection with voter registration applications in Lake County. Secretary of State Todd Rokita says they include possible violations of state and federal racketeering laws."

"Rokita says 30 percent of the applications included information that was obviously incorrect, incomplete or illegible. He calls it a "fraud perpetrated on all of the people of Indiana."

As for Ohio... according to UPI:

"President George W. Bush has asked the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the status of 200,000 newly registered Ohio voters."

Some liberals simply shrug off this threat to our system of government.

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile wrote for CNN:

"The so-called ACORN scandal is no more than a few canvassers trying to meet their quota and make easy money by cheating the system."

But others are more brazen and are actually demanding the courts reinstate questionable registrations already purged from the voter rolls.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

"A similar legal drama could play out in Colorado. Republicans there are charging that the Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is loading up the voter rolls with unqualified people. Democrats are asking a federal court to reinstate approximately 30,000 Colorado voters purged from registration lists by Secretary of State Mike Coffman, a Republican."

It's becoming painfully obvious.

We're not just talking about a handful of dead people voting in Chicago.

We're talking about bedlam.

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


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We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

The Integrity of Our Elections Are At Stake.

There's only ONE way to STOP ACORN.

The actions you take (or do not take) RIGHT NOW as you read this urgent appeal may well determine whether or not ACORN will succeed.

The Internet Blog Powerline.com went so far as to write:

"It is reasonable to ask whether ACORN is in fact a criminal conspiracy to subvert the voting rights of Americans."

ACORN's actions, which are currently under investigation in 12 states, may actually strike at the very heart of the freedoms we cherish and enjoy in the United States of America!

This is one of the most urgent and pivotal letters we've ever put before you.

These are desperate times and simply listening to Sean Hannity or Rush talk about this evolving scandal on the radio WILL NOT STOP ACORN!

Hearing allegations about ACORN on FOX News WILL NOT STOP ACORN!

Simply shooting off an angry e-mail IS NOT going to STOP ACORN!

And no, threatening legal action AFTER the fact IS NOT going to STOP ACORN!

Frankly, RIGHT NOW, talk is cheap.

There's ONLY ONE WAY TO STOP the apparent massive voter fraud that may be taking place right under your nose.

Simply put, it's now within the realm of possibility that hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of fraudulent votes could be cast in pivotal swing states and make a farce of our entire electoral process!

There is not a moment to lose!

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


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We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

A History of Fraud and Deceit...

ACORN has a long and dubious history.

House Minority Leader John Boehner recently said:

“Election cycle after election cycle, this organization has been at the forefront of breaking the law in order to promote their left-wing agenda. All the while, they have been the recipients of millions of dollars of federal funding through various federal programs and third-party groups. House Republicans took a stand recently to cut off funding to an ACORN slush fund created by their allies in the House Majority, but now more must be done."

Boehner continued:

"ACORN spent decades promoting the housing policies that brought America’s economy to the brink, and similarly over the years has committed fraud on our system of elections, making American voters question the fairness and accuracy of the exercise of their most fundamental right under the Constitution. Now it is time to cut off ACORN before it grows even more destructive.”

Michael Gaynor with Canada Free Press recounts:

“These are recent complaints, but ACORN’s history is riddled with criminal activity. During the last major election [2006], the Wall Street Journal did a story about ACORN. Four ACORN workers had been indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms to the Kansas City, Missouri, election board; other ACORN workers were convicted in Wisconsin and Colorado and investigations, at the time the article was written, were under way in Ohio, Tennessee and Pennsylvania."

Gaynor also writes of more recent indictments and investigations:

"Last year, The Seattle Times reported the biggest voter-registration fraud scheme in Washington history. Three ACORN employees pleaded guilty, and four more were charged for filling out and submitting more than 1,800 fictitious voter-registration cards during a 2006 registration drive in King and Pierce counties.’ (Keith Ervin, ‘Three plead guilty in fake voter scheme,’ 10-30-2007)"

"This year, an ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced for up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.

"There are also examples of indictments this year, such as the four ACORN employees in Kansas City charged with identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election and the Reynoldsburg fellow indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate counties. And there are current investigations into ACORN for voter fraud all over the map... ."

If criminal indictments did not deter ACORN in the past...

...why would they deter ACORN NOW?

No, there is only one solution to this problem.

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


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We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

P.S. Please help us reach as many concerned Americans as possible by forwarding this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends and family members.

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