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September 20, 2008

'The Pledge of Allegiance' -

In light of the recent appeals court ruling in California , with respect to the Pledge of Allegiance, the following recollection from Senator John McCain is very appropriate:

'The Pledge of Allegiance' - by Senator John McCain

'As you may know, I spent five and one half years as a prisoner of war during the Vietnam War. In the early years of our imprisonment, the NVA kept us in solitary confinement or two or three to a cell. In 1971 the NVA moved us from these conditions of isolation into large rooms with as many as 30 to 40 men to a room.

This was, as you can imagine, a wonderful change and was a direct result of the efforts of millions of Americans on behalf of a few hundred POWs 10,000 miles from home. One of the men who moved into my room was a young man named Mike Christian.

Mike came from a small town near Selma , Alabama . He didn't wear a pair of shoes until he was 13 years old. At 17, he enlisted in the US Navy. He later earned a commission by going to Officer Training School . Then he became a Naval Flight Officer and was shot down and captured in 1967. Mike had a keen and deep appreciation of the opportunities this country and our military provide for people who want to work and want to succeed.

As part of the change in treatment, the Vietnamese allowed some prisoners to receive packages from home. In some of these packages were handkerchiefs, scarves and other items of clothing.

Mike got himself a bamboo needle. Over a period of a couple of months, he created an American flag and sewed on the inside of his shirt.

Every afternoon, before we had a bowl of soup, we would hang Mike's shirt on the wall of the cell and say the Pledge of Allegiance.

I know the Pledge of Allegiance may not seem the most important part of our day now, but I can assure you that in that stark cell it was indeed the most important and meaningful event.

One day the Vietnamese searched our cell, as they did periodically, and discovered Mike's shirt with the flag sewn inside, and removed it.

That evening they returned, opened the door of the cell, and for the benefit of all of us, beat Mike Christian severely for the next couple of hours. Then, they opened the door of the cell and threw him in. We cleaned him up as well as we could.

The cell in which we lived had a concrete slab in the middle on which we slept. Four naked light bulbs hung in each corner of the room.

As I said, we tried to clean up Mike as well as we could. After the excitement died down, I looked in the corner of the room, and sitting there beneath that dim light bulb with a piece of red cloth, another shirt and his bamboo needle, was my friend, Mike Christian. He was sitting there with his eyes almost shut from the beating he had received, making another American flag. He was not making the flag because it made Mike Christian feel better. He was making that flag because he knew how important it was to us to be able to Pledge our allegiance to our flag and country

So the next time you say the Pledge of Allegiance, you must never forget the sacrifice and courage that thousands of Americans have made to build our nation and promote freedom around the world. You must remember our duty, our honor, and our country.'

'I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the republic for which it stands, one nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.'

PASS THIS ON... And on.. And on! You can even send it back to me, I don't mind, because it's worth reading again.

Oh.....and then you have this clown, who refuses to place his hand on his heart and say the pledge.....

Remember this picture on election day!

Let's all remember this on election day...if you have family serving in the military, make sure you send it along. I don't care for Hillary, but at least she shows respect for the country she lives in!

I had heard about this but a picture is definitely worth 1000 words! God save us!!!

Senator Barack Obama, Governor Bill Richardson, Senator Hillary Clinton and Ruth Harkin stand during the national anthem.
Barack Hussein Obama's photo (that's his real name).....the article said he REFUSED TO NOT ONLY PUT HIS HAND ON HIS HEART DURING THE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE, BUT REFUSED TO SAY THE PLEDGE.....how in the hell can a man like this expect to be our next Commander-in-Chief

September 19, 2008


It's too bad kids in school these days are taught nothing about important facts of US and world history.

Zimmerman Telegram
By German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann
May 25, 2008, 12:46pm

This telegram, written by German Foreign Secretary Arthur Zimmermann, is a coded message sent to Mexico, proposing a military alliance against the United States. The obvious threats to the United States contained in the telegram inflamed American public opinion against Germany and helped convince Congress to declare war against Germany in 1917.

Between 1914 and the spring of 1917, the European nations engaged in a conflict that became known as World War I. While armies battled in Europe, the United States remained neutral. In 1916 Woodrow Wilson was elected President for a second term, largely because of the slogan "He kept us out of war." Events in early 1917 would change that hope.

In January of 1917, British cryptographers deciphered a telegram from German Foreign Minister Arthur Zimmermann to the German Minister to Mexico, von Eckhardt, offering United States territory to Mexico in return for joining the German cause. To protect their intelligence from detection and to capitalize on growing anti-German sentiment in the United States, the British waited to present the telegram to President Wilson. Meanwhile, frustration over the effective British naval blockade caused Germany to break its pledge to limit submarine warfare. In response, the United States severed diplomatic relations with Germany in February.

On February 24 Britain released the Zimmerman telegram to Wilson, and news of the telegram was published widely in the American press on March 1. The telegram had such an impact on American opinion that, according to David Kahn, author of The Codebreakers, "No other single cryptanalysis has had such enormous consequences." It is his opinion that "never before or since has so much turned upon the solution of a secret message." On April 6, 1917, the United States Congress formally declared war on Germany and its allies. The Zimmerman telegram clearly had helped draw the United States into the war and thus changed the course of history.

Zimmerman Telegram - NARA
(Decoded message text of the Zimmermann Telegram)

FROM 2nd from London # 5747.
"We intend to begin on the first of February unrestricted submarine warfare. We shall endeavor in spite of this to keep the United States of America neutral. In the event of this not succeeding, we make Mexico a proposal or alliance on the following basis: make war together, make peace together, generous financial support and an understanding on our part that Mexico is to reconquer the lost territory in Texas, New Mexico, and Arizona. The settlement in detail is left to you. You will inform the President of the above most secretly as soon as the outbreak of war with the United States of America is certain and add the suggestion that he should, on his own initiative, invite Japan to immediate adherence and at the same time mediate between Japan and ourselves. Please call the President's attention to the fact that the ruthless employment of our submarines now offers the prospect of compelling England in a few months to make peace." Signed, ZIMMERMANN.

Source: NARA
Citation: Zimmermann Telegram, 1917; Decimal File, 1910-1929, 862.20212/82A (1910-1929), and Decoded Zimmermann Telegram, 1917; Decimal File, 1910-1929, 862.20212/69, General Records of the Department of State; Record Group 59; National Archives.

Dispelling The 'Deregulation' Myth

Dispelling The 'Deregulation' Myth

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Friday, September 19, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Politics: A dubious and dangerous idea seems to be gaining strength — that government caused the financial crisis by giving capitalism free rein. If anything, it hasn't done enough of that.

OK, we'll say it if no one else will: Thank heaven for Gramm-Leach-Bliley. If you've been listening to the fulminations from Congress and the campaign trail, you know that we're talking about the 1999 law that dismantled the Depression-era barriers between commercial and investment banking.

Democrats largely supported it at the time, and one of their own, Bill Clinton, signed it. Now they frame it as a Republican bill that helped send the nation on the path to perdition.

AFL-CIO President John Sweeney said it's time to roll it back: "The system of regulation of these integrated banks has failed, and it is clear that much stronger firewalls are needed." Majority Leader Harry Reid — one of 90 senators who voted for the bill in its final version — took off after its co-sponsor, Phil Gramm, who Reid said "was responsible for deregulation in the financial services industries that paved the way for much of this crisis to occur."

Maybe they know better, but they just can't resist kicking Gramm, who was dumped from John McCain's campaign back in July after suggesting that America had become "a nation of whiners." You don't scold voters in an election year, and Democrats still seem to think they can score points from Gramm's gaffe.

This is no way to start a serious policy debate. And to suggest that the free-market principles embodied by Phil Gramm in his Senate career are at the root of the current financial crisis is not only dubious, but also dangerous. If people are convinced that capitalism is the problem, they'll accept a regulatory regime that sharply pulls in its reins, shifting power from business owners to union bosses such as Sweeney.

So it's time for some fact-based discussion of Gramm-Leach-Bliley and the whole policy trend called "deregulation."

First, that bill didn't make regulation go away. It modernized the rules to fit the realities of the financial markets. Washington doesn't always get the rules right, but in this case it did.

Also, Gramm-Leach-Bliley didn't take down the firewalls between deposit-based banking and investments. Banks can't play the stock market or trade credit default swaps with your savings account. Investment and banking operations run under one corporate roof, but otherwise stay separate.

So why did banks and investment houses get into so much trouble? It will take a long and exhaustive post-mortem to answer that question fully, but one point is already clear: They made mistakes that had nothing to do with the 1999 law.

Commercial banks threw lending standards out the window in their rush to get new business. Like S&Ls of the 1980s, they would have gone wild without Gramm-Leach-Bliley. Washington, if anything, egged them on, but not because of free-market dogma. Banks and mortgage brokers were pumping up the homeownership numbers in America, and politicians were eager to take credit for that.

Wall Street, meanwhile, became a victim of its own innovation. It created new classes of derivative investments that spread — and, through leverage, amplified — the risk from the subprime mortgages produced by the banks. A new multitrillion-dollar market emerged almost overnight, lacking in transparency and reliable price signals. With their asset values in doubt, investment banks lurched toward insolvency.

If regulators failed here, it wasn't because of policies adopted years before. It was more of the same story that has played itself out over and over in modern finance: Innovation races ahead of the rules. Crises tend to take almost everyone by surprise — including the major players as well as the regulators.

Careful study in the aftermath can lead to smart policies that cushion the blows of future shocks, but it doesn't prevent them entirely. Nor should it. Capitalism needs some room for trial and error, bringing out new ideas and testing them in adversity.

In this respect, Gramm-Leach-Bliley has turned out to be smart policy indeed. By repealing the rule against banks owning investment firms, it has led to at least two crucial mergers — JPMorgan Chase absorbing Bear Stearns and Bank of America merging with Merrill Lynch. Morgan Stanley may be the next investment house to find shelter in a well-capitalized commercial bank.

You can spot the theme here: By taking down an outmoded firewall, the law is helping the financial industry cope with a once-in-a-lifetime crisis. Far from being the cause, this instance of deregulation, or whatever you call it, is part of the cure.

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Democrats Own the Wall Street Debacle

Democrats Own the Wall Street Debacle

Thursday, September 18, 2008 4:22 PM

By: Michael Reagan Article Font Size

When I was a little boy, we used to play a game where we wore a blindfold and tried to put a slip of paper on a drawing of a donkey we couldn’t see. I thought of that as I watched the chattering class, blindfolded and frantically trying to pin the blame for the Wall Street debacle on everything but the real donkey, the Democrats, whose symbol is . . . guess what?

Right — a donkey, and that’s where the blame lies, on Barack Obama’s Democratic Party.

To find the donkey, you need to go back to the Clinton administration, which decided that everybody and his kid brother was entitled to a mortgage even when they didn’t begin to qualify for a home loan.

In saner days, banks designated certain areas as no-loan zones — depressed neighborhoods where lending money to potential home buyers was not just a risky investment, but a certain future foreclosure.

Critics of the practice called it “redlining,” and President Clinton and his chums on Capitol Hill decided that banks should no longer act like banks and lend money only to home buyers who could afford to handle the monthly payments. Now all bets would be off and people not the least bit creditworthy — and speculators — would be entitled by law to obtain mortgages even when it was obvious they couldn’t afford to handle them.

Enter those now infamous quasi-government banking instruments known as Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which poured fresh money into the banking system by buying mortgages from banks. Over the long haul, they managed to load up their portfolios with billions upon billions of dollars of risky mortgage paper that banks had been forced to offer and then dumped on them.

The scandal of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac dwarfs the Enron debacle. In Enron, people went to jail. With the Fannies, some just walked away with millions.

The collapse of Lehman Brothers can be blamed on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the two big mortgage banks that the Feds recently bailed out with big bucks. As Fox News has pointed out, they used huge lobbying budgets and political contributions to keep regulators off their backs.

According to the Center for Responsive Politics, the top three U.S. senators getting big Fannie and Freddie political bucks were Democrats, and No. 2 was Sen. Barack Obama, who as Fox noted had only been in the Senate four years but still managed to grab that No. 2 spot ahead of longtime colleagues John Kerry and Chris Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee.

According to Fox, Fannie and Freddie were where big-time Washington Democrats went to work and pocketed millions. Franklin Raines, Clinton’s White House Budget Director, ran Fannie and collected $50 million.

Jamie Gorelick, an official in Clinton’s Justice Department — the woman who built the “wall” that prevented the FBI from targeting terrorists before 9/11 — worked for Fannie Mae and took home $26 million. Big-time Democrat Jim Johnson, who headed Obama's VP search committee, also hauled in millions from running Fannie Mae.

Obama brazenly blames John McCain and the GOP for the current Wall Street mess when it’s clear none of it was due to Republican policies. The truth of the matter is that it was McCain and three GOP colleagues who sought to reform the government’s lending policies three long years ago after the Bush administration had failed two years earlier. On May 25, 2006, McCain spoke on behalf of the Federal Housing Enterprise Regulatory Reform Act of 2005, and warned against the debacle we are now facing if it failed to pass.

He told the Senate that a report by the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight charged that “Fannie Mae employees deliberately and intentionally manipulated financial reports to hit earnings targets in order to trigger bonuses for senior executives.”

McCain warned, “If Congress does not act, American taxpayers will continue to be exposed to the enormous risk that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac pose to the housing market, the overall financial system, and the economy as a whole.”

McCain predicted the entire collapse we now are suffering through. He stressed the falsification of financial records to benefit executives, including Obama advisers Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson.

Now Obama has the nerve to try to pin the blame on McCain and the GOP when the facts show that the blame must be pinned on the Democratic donkey.

© 2008 Mike Reagan

Obama Dusts Off Hoover Playbook

Obama Dusts Off Hoover Playbook

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, September 18, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Election '08: The Obama campaign is using Wall Street's woes as a new rationale for its massive tax increases and protectionism. The last president to take that approach helped cause the Great Depression.

According to Barack Obama's running mate, Sen. Joseph Biden, D-Del., agreeing to pay lots more taxes is patriotic. "We want to take money and put it back in the pocket of middle-class people," the Democratic vice presidential nominee told ABC's "Good Morning America." He said, "It's time to be patriotic" and "be part of the deal, time to help get America out of the rut."

Not unlike Bill Clinton campaigning in 1992, Sen. Obama promises a middle-class tax cut at the expense of the rich.

But it was less than a month after his inauguration in 1993 that President Clinton, intent on so much new government "investment," gave a televised Oval Office address to the nation announcing that instead of a middle-class tax cut there would be a middle-class tax hike, "because the deficit has increased so much beyond my earlier estimates."

With Clinton expenditure plans in the 1992 campaign dwarfed now by Obama's — Obama would add more than $343 billion in annual spending according to the National Taxpayers Union — his vows of middle-class tax cuts should be scrutinized carefully.


IBD/TIPP Poll: What Percentage Of Taxes Do The "Rich" Actually Pay?


As outlined in a Congressional Budget Office analysis last December, about 45% of total income in all households comes from those making an average of about $85,000 or less. That's about 90 million households, yet they pay only about 31% of all federal taxes.

The 23 million households making up the richest 20% already pay about 69% of total taxes; the nearly 12 million households constituting the top 10% of income earners already pay about 55% of all federal taxes.

So when it comes time for a President Obama to decide where to drill for more cash for Uncle Sam, the middle class is where he is going to find all the vast untapped resources to be; taxing the rich alone — who already pay such a large proportion of taxes already — simply won't bring in enough money.

Sen. John McCain's presidential campaign now accuses Obama of "cheerleading" for the massive bailouts on Wall Street and using recent financial turbulence to drum up popular support for higher taxes on the taxed-out upper incomes.

But that kind of reaction by Obama to troubles in the financial sector is reminiscent of President Herbert Hoover's handling of the Great Depression.

Hoover more than doubled the top marginal income tax rate and signed into law the Smoot-Hawley act, raising tariffs to record levels the summer after the 1929 stock market crash.

Sen. Obama promises, according to his economic advisers, that "The top two income-tax brackets would return to their 1990s levels of 36% and 39.6% (including the exemption and deduction phase-outs)." That is, he'll hike taxes during a weak economy.

As for the North American Free Trade Agreement, before sewing up the Democratic nomination, Obama's campaign expressed "serious concerns about the effect that the agreement would have on the American auto, beef, and rice industries, as well as the lack of labor and environmental protections in the agreement.

"Sen. Obama is also troubled that the Bush administration has not done more to help American workers who are losing their jobs as a result of the changing world economy."

That is thinly veiled protectionism, in spite of the fact that Obama has had kinder things to say about NAFTA since being assured of being his party's nominee.

The campaign currently says an Obama administration would "use trade agreements to spread good labor and environmental standards around the world and stand firm against agreements like the Central American Free Trade Agreement that fail to live up to those important benchmarks."

His campaign Web site adds that "NAFTA and its potential were oversold to the American people," promising "to fix NAFTA so that it works for American workers."

Massive new taxes and the abandonment of global economic freedom sold as "patriotism" is not only an outrage; it's a huge danger to an economy that has enough troubles already.

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McCain Says Obama Put Politics Above National Interest

McCain Says Obama Put Politics Above National Interest Over Iran Rally

Thursday, September 18, 2008
By Patrick Goodenough, International Editor

Caption: Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad addresses a press conference in Tehran on Thursday, Sept. 18, 2008 (AP Photo/ISNA)(CNSNews.com) – Sen. Barack Obama “chose politics rather than the national interest” by sidestepping the opportunity for a bipartisan stand against Iran’s nuclear drive, Sen. John McCain said Thursday.

The Republican presidential candidate leveled the charge after the organizers of the “Stop Iran Now” rally, planned for next Monday in New York City, withdrew an invitation to his running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin, following appeals by Democrats.

“Governor Palin was pleased to accept an invitation to address this rally and show her resolve on this grave national security issue,” McCain said in a statement. “Regrettably that invitation has since been withdrawn under pressure from Democratic partisans.”

“We stand shoulder to shoulder with Republicans, Democrats and independents alike to oppose [President Mahmoud] Ahmadinejad’s goal of a nuclear armed Iran. Senator Obama’s campaign had the opportunity to join us. Senator Obama chose politics rather than the national interest.”

“Preventing Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons should be a shared goal of every American, not another occasion for partisan posturing,” he said.

One week ago, McCain and Obama set aside the campaign to visit the site of the World Trade Center in New York to mark the seventh anniversary of 9/11.

By the prospect of Palin sharing a stage with a senior Democrat during the charged election campaign was evidently unacceptable to some in the rival party.

First, Sen. Hillary Clinton – who had been invited to participate in the Iran rally before McCain picked Palin as the Republican vice-presidential candidate – withdrew once she learned of Palin’s participation.

Then, the National Jewish Democratic Council, while congratulating Clinton’s decision to pull out, urged the Jewish organizations sponsoring the rally to disinvite the Republican, saying that by doing so they would "return the focus to America’s outrage towards the genocidal musings and nuclear ambitions of … Ahmadinejad.”

On Thursday, the organizers withdrew the invitation to Palin, saying in a statement that in order to keep the focus on Iran, there would be no “American political personalities” at the rally.

The NJDC praised the decision, saying it showed “that bi-partisan solidarity against President Ahmadinejad has won out over partisanship.”

The NJDC did not respond to queries Thursday, including questions on whether it had at any point suggested that the Obama campaign put forward vice-presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden or another senior Democrat to provide balance.

The Republican Jewish Coalition said it was “very sad that the NJDC and other partisan groups could not put the issue of a nuclear-free Iran ahead of partisan politics.”

“It is … a sad day for American Jewry when we allow these groups to hijack an event, when we we should all come together and send a powerful message to Iran and the rest of the world that Iran’s pursuit of nuclear weapons is unacceptable,” said RJC executive director Matt Brooks.

The rally coincides with Ahmadinejad’s planned visit to New York, where he is expected to address the annual U.N. General Assembly session on Tuesday. President Bush is scheduled to speak the same day.

Organizers include the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, the National Coalition to Stop Iran Now and The Israel Project.

“This issue, opposition to a nuclear-armed Iran, is one which enjoys bipartisan support and the backing of the American people across the political spectrum,” they said in an earlier statement.

“On this, all Americans stand together. We acknowledge and deeply appreciate those American political leaders who have been and remain prepared to stand with us as we collectively address the dangers of Iran’s nuclear program and its support for terrorism globally.”

In Tehran Thursday, Ahmadinejad said he was prepared to debate McCain or Obama while in the United States.

“I am ready for a debate with the U.S. presidential candidates over global issues in the presence of the media at U.N. headquarters,” Ahmadinejad told a press conference.

As Bush was approaching the end of his term, he said, an encounter with him now would not impact future bilateral relations.

Ahmadinejad has in previous years challenged Bush to a debate during the annual U.N. session. The White House declined, calling it a distraction from the international dispute over Iran’s nuclear activities, which the U.S. and its allies suspect are a cover for attempts to acquire atomic weapons. Iran says the program is for purely peaceful purposes.

Last summer, Obama said that as president he would be willing to hold talks, without condition, with the leaders of Iran and other countries hostile to the United States. McCain called the stance reckless, and Obama later accused his Republican rival of distorting his position.

On its Web site, the campaign states, “Obama and Biden are willing to meet with the leaders of all nations, friend and foe. They will do the careful preparation necessary, but will signal that America is ready to come to the table, and that he is willing to lead.”

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Showing 1-1 of 1 Comments

SentryDan at 01:18 PM - September 19, 2008
Afternoon Folks, So, based on the fact that the democrats/liberals backed out of the event mentioned in the article, they, the democrats including Obama, don't want to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the rest of us in condemning Iran's nuclear ambitions. Apparently, the dems don't care that Iran acquires nuclear capability. Should this happen, the whole Middle East will become destabilized and Israel's existance will be in serious jeopardy. Iran is going for nuclear blackmail and Obama doesn't have a clue about what is going on. Either that or he just doesn't give a rat's behind about the State of Israel. And isn't that what the radical Islamists want, to get rid of the State of Israel?

September 18, 2008


More political games designed to dupe the American people! Increased prices at the pump! More dependence on oil from Iran, Venezuela and other foreign countries that HATE America!

That basically sums up Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and her liberal cohorts’ plan to address our nation’s energy crisis.

Indeed, leave it to the Pelosi Politburo to pass a bill, literally in the dark of night, that EFFECTIVELY PROHIBITS domestic drilling and then try to sell the legislation to the American people as a measure that opens up domestic drilling!

In case you missed it, here's the play by play on Pelosi’s energy “hoax”:

On Monday evening at 9:45 PM, Pelosi dropped a 245-page bill on Congress (H.R. 6899, the so-called “Comprehensive American Energy Security and Consumer Protection Act.”).

Then, using arcane procedural maneuvers, she effectively stifled substantive debate, by-passed the committee process, prohibited amendments and forced a vote within 24 hours!

And on Tuesday evening, the House of Representatives passed this "sham bill" on a mostly partisan vote of 239-189!

And Pelosi's bill is NOTHING BUT SMOKE AND MIRRORS. It will ACTUALLY PROHIBIT DOMESTIC DRILLING, RAISE YOUR TAXES, and has a 'mother-load' of Congressional pork!

Republican House Minority Leader, John Boehner, had this to say: "It would permanently lock up 80 percent of our nation's offshore energy resources -- holding hostage billions of barrels of American oil."

Congressman Jeb Hensarling called it “a hoax bill that would permanently prevent exploration of nearly 90 percent of the Outer Continental Shelf for American energy and block energy production in arctic Alaska and the Inter-Mountain West." [Emphasis Mine]

House Minority Whip Roy Blunt said; "I'm offended.... And the American people should be offended that we're not doing the job for them that really matters."

Right now, this "Pelosi sham bill" is on the fast-track to the Senate and the only thing that may stand in its way -- and the passage of REAL energy legislation that will actually open up domestic drilling -- is YOU and millions of other concerned Americans!

If we don't take action right now, the mantra of "drill here and drill now" may be replaced by a policy of "drill nowhere, drill never and raise taxes on the American people."

And we can't let that happen!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Tell them that the American people are not fooled and REFUSE to be held hostage by "sham legislation." The American people know that this Pelosi "sham" will only PROHIBIT domestic drilling and raise taxes on average Americans!

Tell them that "drill here and drill now" means just that. The American people expect them to stand firm AGAINST "smoke and mirror" legislative plans and to get busy passing REAL energy legislation that will lower the price of gasoline at the pump and decrease our dependence on foreign oil!


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And The Liberal Media Gives Pelosi Political Cover

The liberal media is already giving Pelosi political cover and repeating the lie.

Within minutes of the passage of this "sham legislation":

Reuters wrote: "The U.S. House of Representatives passed legislation Tuesday that lifts a longstanding ban on offshore oil drilling, opening most of the U.S. coastline to exploration."

The New York Times wrote: "The House on Tuesday night approved a measure that would ease a longstanding ban on offshore oil drilling..."

CNN: "The House of Representatives on Tuesday night passed an energy bill clearing the way for more oil drilling off U.S. coasts..."

But the sad truth is that this legislation DOES NOT lift the ban on offshore drilling; it actually effectively puts MORE RESTRICTIONS on offshore drilling!

Fortunately, some news outlets are allowing the TRUTH to come out. Rep. John Shadegg published an editorial in the Wall Street Journal which lays out the facts on Pelosi’s “energy hoax.”

Shadegg wrote, in part:

"But the problem is that their plan, which passed the House yesterday and will likely come up for a vote in the Senate later this week, will not produce a single drop of oil." [Emphasis Mine]

"We're told that the Democrats now favor drilling. That they have seen the light after feeling the heat all summer. What's really happening is we're mid-way through a political hoax. [Emphasis Mine]

"Some 70% of Americans favor increased domestic drilling. Unfortunately, if Mrs. Pelosi and her party's leaders continue to play politics, we can be sure Americans won't get the energy they want."

Rep. Hensarling was more plain-spoken:

“The Democrat bill is a sham and Speaker Pelosi should be ashamed. This bill was written to ensure Democrats' re-election by perpetuating a fraud on the American people , not to ensure affordable energy. There are no new refineries included in their bill, there is no clean coal, no energy exploration in arctic Alaska, no nuclear energy, and – if you read it – no exploration in the Outer Continental Shelf for energy. [Emphasis Mine]

“Democrats are wed to the ideology of the radical left – they look at our oil and gas reserves and see toxic waste sites. Republicans see vast and valuable natural resources that will ease pain at the pump and lessen our dependence on foreign oil. We need American energy made in America, for Americans. We don't need a sham political bill. The next time you drive up to the pump and drop a small fortune to fill your gas tank, thank Speaker Pelosi.”

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Tell them that the American people are not fooled and REFUSE to be held hostage by "sham legislation." The American people know that this Pelosi "sham" will only PROHIBIT domestic drilling and raise taxes on average Americans!

Tell them that "drill here and drill now" means just that. The American people expect them to stand firm AGAINST "smoke and mirror" legislative plans and to get busy passing REAL energy legislation that will lower the price of gasoline at the pump and decrease our dependence on foreign oil!


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The Big Lie: Pelosi's Sham Legislation Actually PROHIBITS Domestic Drilling And Effectively Extends The Congressional Moratorium!

It's really just a variation of the same old game. Technically, Pelosi's bill does allow drilling, but simply put, Pelosi's "sham" only allows us to drill WHERE THERE ISN'T ANY OIL. In fact, it actually PROHIBITS US FROM DRILLING WHERE THERE IS OIL!

The Institute for Energy Research calls the Pelosi legislation a "bait and switch":

"According to news reports, the Speaker of the House has unveiled a new energy proposal. It’s described as a compromise that would lead to more offshore energy production. Based on the bill summary, however, the plan appears to be more of a 'bait and switch' that won’t do much of anything to bring new energy supplies to market for a long, long time."

The Institute for Energy Research also states:

"A permanent ban out to 50 miles locks-up the largest known offshore energy reserves, including those off the coast of California, that are close to existing infrastructure and [can] be produced the fastest." [Emphasis Mine]

Below is just one example to prove the point, provided courtesy of the Institute for Energy Research. The section in yellow indicates what will be available under the Pelosi "sham legislation" in Washington, Oregon and California and ONLY IF THOSE STATES PERMIT IT!


We're talking about the entire West Coast! In other words, Pelosi is telling the American people... drill to your heart's content as long as you don't drill where there is oil!

But that's not all! The Institute for Energy Research also states:

"The plan permanently bans access to 97 percent of the 10.527 billion barrels off the coast of California. It allows the State to decide whether to produce just 3 percent, or 287 million barrels, which is highly unlikely anyway. The remainder…10.24 billion barrels…is off limits." [Emphasis Mine]

"Keeping the Eastern Gulf of Mexico off limits also denies access to large reserves located close to existing pipeline infrastructure. The plan keeps an estimated 3.65 [billion] barrels of oil and 22 trillion cubic feet of natural gas off limits. [Emphasis Mine]

"The offshore areas surrounding the State of Alaska are not currently subject to any bans. This plan appears to institute a 50-mile ban around energy-rich Alaskan shore for the first time ever . Energy exploration there is just beginning. [Emphasis Mine]

"While the plan enables the states to 'opt in' and produce energy between 50 and 100 miles, it lacks a revenue sharing mechanism, thereby making it highly unlikely that state would chose to do so... Denying the states this incentive effectively prevents new production." [Emphasis Mine]

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Tell them that the American people are not fooled and REFUSE to be held hostage by "sham legislation." The American people know that this Pelosi "sham" will only PROHIBIT domestic drilling and raise taxes on average Americans!

Tell them that "drill here and drill now" means just that. The American people expect them to stand firm AGAINST "smoke and mirror" legislative plans and to get busy passing REAL energy legislation that will lower the price of gasoline at the pump and decrease our dependence on foreign oil!


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Liberals Say Drilling Is Not The Solution... That Drilling Will Not Bring Relief At The Pump For Ten Years… But Prices Started Coming Down Immediately When We Simply Started Talking About Drilling!

Liberals HATE to be confused by reality.

When President Bush urged Congress to lift the moratorium on domestic drilling just two months ago, oil was trading at approximately $145 per barrel.

The price of oil took a nose-dive that very day and has dropped to under $100 dollars per barrel. Take a look at the following graph from Americans for Prosperity, and the price of oil is even lower today.

And prices at the pump have dropped across the country as well.

Make no mistake, the drop in price can be attributed in large measure to market reaction over the possibility that the United States may actually increase domestic drilling.

In other words, merely "talking" about domestic drilling has given us relief at the pump -- without a drop of oil actually being brought to market!

The only question that remains is how low can the price of gasoline at the pump go in the foreseeable future if Congress gives us REAL ENERGY LEGISLATION?

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Tell them that the American people are not fooled and REFUSE to be held hostage by "sham legislation." The American people know that this Pelosi "sham" will only PROHIBIT domestic drilling and raise taxes on average Americans!

Tell them that "drill here and drill now" means just that. The American people expect them to stand firm AGAINST "smoke and mirror" legislative plans and to get busy passing REAL energy legislation that will lower the price of gasoline at the pump and decrease our dependence on foreign oil!


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No More Political Games!

Last year, Members of Congress attempted to pass so-called "comprehensive immigration legislation" that, in actuality, provided amnesty and a path to citizenship for millions of illegal aliens!

And they tried to do it at the last minute, under the cover of darkness, hoping that the American people would not notice!

Now, Pelosi and company are trying to do the exact same thing with our nation’s energy security.

Instead of simply letting bad legislation (the Congressional moratorium on domestic drilling) expire, they passed BAD legislation in the dark of night, hoping that the American people didn't notice that this legislation repeats the mistakes of our failed energy policy from the past 30 years.

Last year we stopped Congress from making amnesty under the guise of "comprehensive immigration reform" the law of the land.

Now, we can stop the Pelosi energy hoax -- her so-called "comprehensive energy reform" -- in the Senate! But we must not falter. Our resolve must not waver. We must act now!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush and each and every Republican Member of the United States Senate.

Tell them that the American people are not fooled and REFUSE to be held hostage by "sham legislation." The American people know that this Pelosi "sham" will only PROHIBIT domestic drilling and raise taxes on average Americans!

Tell them that "drill here and drill now" means just that. The American people expect them to stand firm AGAINST "smoke and mirror" legislative plans and to get busy passing REAL energy legislation that will lower the price of gasoline at the pump and decrease our dependence on foreign oil!


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September 17, 2008

Congress Tries To Fix What It Broke

Congress Tries To Fix What It Broke

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Regulation: As the financial crisis spreads, denials on Capitol Hill grow more shrill. Blame an aloof President Bush, greedy Wall Street, risky capitalism — anybody but those in Congress who wrote the banking rules.

Such denials won't hold against the angry facts banging on their doors. The only question is whether the guilty party can keep up the barricade until Election Day.

A visibly annoyed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi rejected suggestions that Democrats share blame for the meltdown. "No," she snapped at reporters who dared ask.

Stick to our narrative, she scolded: The bursting of the housing bubble was another story of market failure and deregulation.

"The American people are not protected from the risk-taking and the greed of these financial institutions," she said, while calling for investigations of the industry.

Only, the risk-taking was her idea — and the idea of all the other Democrats, along with a handful of Republicans, who over the past 30 years have demonized lenders as racist and passed regulation after regulation pressuring them to make more loans to unqualified borrowers in the name of diversity.

They were the ones who screamed — "REDLINING!" — and sent banks scurrying for cover in low-income neighborhoods, where they have been forced to lower long-held industry standards for judging creditworthiness to make the subprime loans.

If they don't comply, they are threatened with stiff penalties under the Community Reinvestment Act, or CRA, a law that forces banks to make home loans to people with poor credit risks.

No fewer than four federal banking regulatory agencies are responsible for enforcing the law. They subject lenders to racial litmus tests and issue regular report cards, the industry's dreaded "CRA rating."

The more branches that lenders put in poor neighborhoods, and the more loans they make there, the better their rating. Those lenders with low ratings can not only be fined, but also blocked from mergers and other business transactions needed to expand.

The regulation grew to monstrous proportions during the Clinton administration, obsessed as it was with multiculturalism. Amendments to the CRA in the mid-1990s dramatically raised the amount of home loans to otherwise unqualified low-income borrowers.

The revisions also allowed for the first time the securitization of CRA-regulated loans containing subprime mortgages. The changes came as radical "housing rights" groups led by ACORN lobbied for such loans. ACORN at the time was represented by a young public-interest lawyer in Chicago by the name of Barack Obama.

HUD, in turn, pressured Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to purchase more subprime mortgages, and Fannie and Freddie, in turn, donated to the campaigns of leading Democrats like Barney Frank and Pelosi who throttled investigations into fraud at the agencies.

Soon, investment banks such as Bear Stearns were aggressively hawking the securities as "guaranteed." Wall Street's pitch was that MBSs were as safe as Treasuries, but with a higher yield.

But they weren't safe. Everyone in the subprime business — from brokers to lenders to banks to investment houses — absolved themselves of responsibility for ensuring the high-risk loans were good.

The mortgage lenders didn't care, because they were going to sell the loans to other banks. The banks didn't care, because they were going to repackage the loans as MBSs. The investors and traders didn't care, because the MBSs were backed by Fannie and Freddie and their implicit government guarantees.

In other words, nobody up and down the line — from the branch office on main street to the high-rise on Wall Street — analyzed the risk of such ill-advised loans. But why should they? Everybody was just doing what the regulators in Washington wanted them to do.

So everybody won until everybody lost, including the minorities the government originally mandated the banks to serve.

The original culprits in all this were the social engineers who compelled banks to make the bad loans. The private sector has no business conducting social experiments on behalf of government. Its business is making profit. Period. So it did what it naturally does and turned the subprime social mandate into a lucrative industry.

Of course, it was a Ponzi scheme, because they weren't allowed to play by their rules. The government changed the rules for risk.

In order to put low-income minorities into home loans, they were ordered to suspend lending standards that had served the banking industry well for centuries. No one wants to talk about it, so they just scapegoat Wall Street. Even John McCain has joined the Democrat chorus on this.

The FBI is now investigating 24 large mortgage lenders for alleged abuses. But who will investigate the pols and the lobbyists and the community agitators who made the bad decisions that ultimately forced businesses to make their bad decisions?

Email To Friend |

Cemetery Escort Duty.......Beautiful

Subject: Fw: Cemetery Escort Duty.......Beautiful !

This is a real beautiful E-Mail that I could not resist sending along to all my friends and relatives that served in the Military. A very powerful message that I know all of you will enjoy reading. By the way if you suddenly start to suffer from irritation of the eyes caused by Sandstorms that suddenly come up while reading this one--don't be concerned. It is just the Air Quality that is present during this time of year. The air is filled with Pollen and Dust which irritates your eyes while reading E-Mails just like this one.

Most Sincerely:
From: andfaber@comcast.net
Subject: Fw: Cemetery Escort Duty.......Beautiful !
Date: Thu, 18 Sep 2008 12:57AM

Well worth reading!! Really makes you thankful.

Please read, it's worth your time.

Cemetery Escort Duty

I just wanted to get the day over with and go down to Smokey's. Sneaking a look at my watch, I saw the time, 1655. Five minutes to go before the cemetery gates are closed for the day. Full dress was hot in the August sun. Oklahoma summertime was as bad as ever--the heat and humidity at the same level--both too high.

I saw the car pull into the drive, '69 or '70 model Cadillac Deville, looked factory-new It pulled into the parking lot at a snail's pace. An old woman got out so slow I thought she was paralyzed; She had a cane and a sheaf of flowers--about four or five bunches as best I could tell.

I couldn't help myself. The thought came unwanted, and left a slightly bitter taste: 'She's going to spend an hour, and for this old soldier, my hip hurts like hell and I'm ready to get out of here right now!' But for this day, my duty was to assist anyone coming in.

Kevin would lock the 'In' gate and if I could hurry the old biddy along, we might make it to Smokey's in time.

I broke post attention. My hip made gritty noises when I took the first step and the pain went up a notch. I must have made a real military sight: middle-aged man with a small pot gut and half a limp, in marine full-dress uniform, which had lost its razor crease about thirty minutes after I began the watch at the cemetery.

I stopped in front of her, halfway up the walk. She looked up at me with an old woman's squint.

'Ma'am, may I assist you in any way?'

She took long enough to answer.

'Yes, son. Can you carry these flowers? I seem to be moving a tad slow these days.'

'My pleasure, ma'am.' Well, it wasn't too much of a lie.

She looked again. 'Marine, where were you stationed?'

' Vietnam, ma'am. Ground-pounder. '69 to '71.'

She looked at me closer. 'Wounded in action, I see. Well done, marine. I'll be as quick as I can.'

I lied a little bigger: 'No hurry, ma'am.'

She smiled and winked at me. 'Son, I'm 85-years-old and I can tell a lie from a long way off. Let's get this done. Might be the last time I can do this. My name's Joanne Wieserman, and I've a few marines I'd like to see one more time.'

'Yes, ma'am. At your service.'

She headed for the World War I section, stopping at a stone. She picked one of the flowers out of my arm and laid it on top of the stone. She murmured something I couldn't quite make out. The name on the marble was Donald S. Davidson, USMC: France 1918.

She turned away and made a straight line for the World War II section, st opp ing at one stone. I saw a tear slowly tracking its way down her cheek. She put a bunch on a stone; the name was Stephen X. Davidson, USM C, 1943.

She went up the row a ways and laid another bunch on a stone, Stanley J. Wieserman, USMC, 1944.

She paused for a second. 'Two more, son, and we'll be done'

I almost didn't say anything, but, 'Yes, ma'am. Take your time.'

She looked confused. 'Where's the Vietnam section, son? I seem to have lost my way.'

I pointed with my chin. 'That way, ma'am.'

'Oh!' she chuckled quietly. 'Son, me and old age ain't too friendly.'

She headed down the walk I'd pointed at. She stopped at a couple of stones before she found the ones she wanted. She placed a bunch on Larry Wieserman, USMC, 1968, and the last on Darrel Wieserman, USMC, 1970. She stood there and murmured a few words I still couldn't make out.

'OK, son, I'm finished. Get me back to my car and you can go home.'

'Yes, ma'am.' If I may ask, were those your kinfolk?'

She paused.

'Yes, Donald Davidson was my father, Stephen was my uncle, Stanley was my husband, Larry and Darrel were our sons. All killed in action, all marines.'

She stopped. Whether she had finished, or couldn't finish, I don't know. She made her way to her car, slowl y and painfu lly.

I waited for a polite distance to come between us and then double-timed it over to Kevin, waiting by the car.

'Get to the 'Out' gate quick. I have something I've got to do.'

Kevin started to say something, but saw the look I gave him. He broke the rules to get us there down the service road. We beat her. She hadn't made it around the rotunda yet.

'Kevin, stand at attention next to the gatepost. Follow my lead.' I humped it across the drive to the other post.

When the Cadillac came puttering around from the hedges and began the short straight traverse to the gate, I called in my best gunny's voice: 'TehenHut! Present Haaaarms!'

I have to hand it to Kevin; he never blinked an eye--full dress attention and a salute that would make his DI proud.

She drove through that gate with two old worn-out soldiers giving her a send-off she deserved, for service rendered to her country, and for knowing duty, honor and sacrifice.

I am not sure, but I think I saw a salute returned from that Cadillac.

Instead of 'The End,' just think of 'Taps.'

As a final thought on my part, let me share a favorite prayer: 'Lord, keep our servicemen and women safe, whether they serve at home or overseas. Hold them in your loving hands and protect them as they protect us.'

Let's all keep those currently serving and those who have gone before in our thoughts. They are the reason for the many freedoms we enjoy.
'In Go d We Trust.'
Sorry about your monitor; it made mine blurry too!

If we ever forget that we're one nation under God, then we will be a nation gone under!

The Spirit of Karl Marx is alive and well!


Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism


Election '08: Before friendly audiences, Barack Obama

speaks passionately about something called "economic

justice." He uses the term obliquely, though, speaking in

code — socialist code.

During his NAACP speech earlier this month, Sen.

Obama repeated the term at least four times. "I've been

working my entire adult life to help build an America

where economic justice is being served," he said at the

group's 99th annual convention in Cincinnati.

Obama has styled himself a centrist. But a look at those

who've served as his advisers and mentors over the years

shows a far more left-leaning tilt to his background —

and to his politics.

And as president, "we'll ensure that economic justice is

served," he asserted. "That's what this election is about."

Obama never spelled out the meaning of the term, but he

didn't have to. His audience knew what he meant, judging

from its thumping approval.

It's the rest of the public that remains in the dark, which is

why we're launching this special educational series.

"Economic justice" simply means punishing the

successful and redistributing their wealth by government

fiat. It's a euphemism for socialism.

In the past, such rhetoric was just that — rhetoric. But

Obama's positioning himself with alarming stealth to put

that rhetoric into action on a scale not seen since the birth

of the welfare state.

In his latest memoir he shares that he'd like to "recast" the

welfare net that FDR and LBJ cast while rolling back

what he derisively calls the "winner-take-all" market

economy that Ronald Reagan reignited (with record gains

in living standards for all).

Obama also talks about "restoring fairness to the

economy," code for soaking the "rich" — a segment of

society he fails to understand that includes mom-and-pop

businesses filing individual tax returns.

It's clear from a close reading of his two books that he's a

firm believer in class envy. He assumes the economy is a

fixed pie, whereby the successful only get rich at the

expense of the poor.

Following this discredited Marxist model, he believes

government must step in and redistribute pieces of the pie.

That requires massive transfers of wealth through

government taxing and spending, a return to the

entitlement days of old.

Of course, Obama is too smart to try to smuggle such

hoary collectivist garbage through the front door. He's

disguising the wealth transfers as "investments" — "to

make America more competitive," he says, or "that give

us a fighting chance," whatever that means.

Among his proposed "investments":

• "Universal," "guaranteed" health care.

• "Free" college tuition.

• "Universal national service" (a la Havana).

• "Universal 401(k)s" (in which the government would

match contributions made by "low- and moderate-income


• "Free" job training (even for criminals).

• "Wage insurance" (to supplement dislocated union workers' old income levels).

• "Free" child care and "universal" preschool.

• More subsidized public housing.

• A fatter earned income tax credit for "working poor."

• And even a Global Poverty Act that amounts to a

Marshall Plan for the Third World, first and foremost


His new New Deal also guarantees a "living wage," with a

$10 minimum wage indexed to inflation; and "fair trade"

and "fair labor practices," with breaks for "patriot

employers" who cow-tow to unions, and sticks for

"nonpatriot" companies that don't.

That's just for starters — first-term stuff.

Obama doesn't stop with socialized health care. He wants

to socialize your entire human resources department —

from payrolls to pensions. His social-microengineering

even extends to mandating all employers provide seven

paid sick days per year to salary and hourly workers alike.

You can see why Obama was ranked, hands-down, the

most liberal member of the Senate by the National

Journal. Some, including colleague and presidential

challenger John McCain, think he's the most liberal

member in Congress.

But could he really be "more left," as McCain recently

remarked, than self-described socialist Sen. Bernie

Sanders (for whom Obama has openly campaigned, even

making a special trip to Vermont to rally voters)?

Obama's voting record, going back to his days in the

Illinois statehouse, says yes. His career path — and those

who guided it — leads to the same unsettling conclusion.

The seeds of his far-left ideology were planted in his

formative years as a teenager in Hawaii — and they were

far more radical than any biography or profile in the

media has portrayed.

A careful reading of Obama's first memoir, "Dreams

From My Father," reveals that his childhood mentor up to

age 18 — a man he cryptically refers to as "Frank" — was

none other than the late communist Frank Marshall Davis,

who fled Chicago after the FBI and Congress opened

investigations into his "subversive," "un-American


As Obama was preparing to head off to college, he sat at

Davis' feet in his Waikiki bungalow for nightly bull

sessions. Davis plied his impressionable guest with liberal

doses of whiskey and advice, including: Never trust the

white establishment.

"They'll train you so good," he said, "you'll start believing

what they tell you about equal opportunity and the

American way and all that sh**."

After college, where he palled around with Marxist

professors and took in socialist conferences "for

inspiration," Obama followed in Davis' footsteps,

becoming a "community organizer" in Chicago.

His boss there was Gerald Kellman, whose identity

Obama also tries to hide in his book. Turns out Kellman's

a disciple of the late Saul "The Red" Alinsky, a hard-

boiled Chicago socialist who wrote the "Rules for

Radicals" and agitated for social revolution in America.

The Chicago-based Woods Fund provided Kellman with

his original $25,000 to hire Obama. In turn, Obama would

later serve on the Woods board with terrorist Bill Ayers of

the Weather Underground. Ayers was one of Obama's

early political supporters.

After three years agitating with marginal success for more

welfare programs in South Side Chicago, Obama decided

he would need to study law to "bring about real change"

— on a large scale.

While at Harvard Law School, he still found time to hone

his organizing skills. For example, he spent eight days in

Los Angeles taking a national training course taught by

Alinsky's Industrial Areas Foundation. With his newly

minted law degree, he returned to Chicago to reapply —

as well as teach — Alinsky's "agitation" tactics.

(A video-streamed bio on Obama's Web site includes a

photo of him teaching in a University of Chicago

classroom. If you freeze the frame and look closely at the

blackboard Obama is writing on, you can make out the

words "Power Analysis" and "Relationships Built on Self

Interest" — terms right out of Alinsky's rule book.)

Amid all this, Obama reunited with his late father's

communist tribe in Kenya, the Luo, during trips to Africa.

As a Nairobi bureaucrat, Barack Hussein Obama Sr., a

Harvard-educated economist, grew to challenge the ruling

pro-Western government for not being socialist enough.

In an eight-page scholarly paper published in 1965, he

argued for eliminating private farming and nationalizing

businesses "owned by Asians and Europeans."

His ideas for communist-style expropriation didn't stop

there. He also proposed massive taxes on the rich to

"redistribute our economic gains to the benefit of all."

"Theoretically, there is nothing that can stop the

government from taxing 100% of income so long as the

people get benefits from the government commensurate

with their income which is taxed," Obama Sr. wrote. "I do

not see why the government cannot tax those who have

more and syphon some of these revenues into savings

which can be utilized in investment for future


Taxes and "investment" . . . the fruit truly does not fall far

from the vine.

(Voters might also be interested to know that Obama, the

supposed straight shooter, does not once mention his

father's communist leanings in an entire book dedicated to

his memory.)

In Kenya's recent civil unrest, Obama privately phoned

the leader of the opposition Luo tribe, Raila Odinga, to

voice his support. Odinga is so committed to communism

he named his oldest son after Fidel Castro.

With his African identity sewn up, Obama returned to

Chicago and fell under the spell of an Afrocentric pastor.

It was a natural attraction. The Rev. Jeremiah Wright

preaches a Marxist version of Christianity called "black

liberation theology" and has supported the communists in

Cuba, Nicaragua and elsewhere.

Obama joined Wright's militant church, pledging

allegiance to a system of "black values" that demonizes

white "middle classness" and other mainstream pursuits.

(Obama in his first book, published in 1995, calls such

values "sensible." There's no mention of them in his new


With the large church behind him, Obama decided to run

for political office, where he could organize for "change"

more effectively. "As an elected official," he said, "I

could bring church and community leaders together easier

than I could as a community organizer or lawyer."

He could also exercise real, top-down power, the kind that

grass-roots activists lack. Alinsky would be proud.

Throughout his career, Obama has worked closely with a

network of stone-cold socialists and full-blown

communists striving for "economic justice."

He's been traveling in an orbit of collectivism that runs

from Nairobi to Honolulu, and on through Chicago to


Yet a recent AP poll found that only 6% of Americans

would describe Obama as "liberal," let alone socialist.

Public opinion polls usually reflect media opinion, and

the media by and large have portrayed Obama as a

moderate "outsider" (the No. 1 term survey respondents

associate him with) who will bring a "breath of fresh air"

to Washington.

The few who have drilled down on his radical roots have

tended to downplay or pooh-pooh them. Even skeptics

have failed to connect the dots for fear of being called the

dreaded "r" word.

But too much is at stake in this election to continue

mincing words.

Both a historic banking crisis and 1970s-style stagflation

loom over the economy. Democrats, who already control

Congress, now threaten to filibuster-proof the Senate in

what could be a watershed election for them — at both

ends of Pennsylvania Avenue.

A perfect storm of statism is forming, and our economic

freedoms are at serious risk.

Those who care less about looking politically correct than

preserving the free-market individualism that's made this

country great have to start calling things by their proper

name to avert long-term disaster.

[If Obama is elected, with Pelosi and Reid heading up

the congressional houses, America is doomed and a lot

faster than the present rush to oblivion.

Read Ayn Rand’s book Atlas Shrugged. If the business

leaders will put aside greed and join John Galt by

stopping production, this socialist threat can be


It did happen once and by one man – Consolidated

Aircraft’s founder, manager, and successful leader –

Reuben H. Fleet. After moving the employees, factory,

and operations from Buffalo, N.Y. to San Diego in

1935, Consolidated became the largest employer with

over 40,000 employees, the largest producer of aircraft

in Southern California, developer of new training

techniques that the workers used the rest of their lives,

and backer of one of the first large (3,000 homes) low

cost, housing developments in the nation. High taxes

and government interference in his business motivated

him to sell his stock and retire after World War II. He

lived for another 18 years, producing nothing,

contributing nothing, and San Diego and the world

lost. If many producers will do the same, socialism can

be defeated.

Remember, when the income tax was being debated in

1912, one senator wanted to put a cap of 15% on the

maximum tax the government could collect. He was

laughed off the floor because “if the government ever

tries to tax more than 15%, the American people will


Well, they are trying to revolt, now, but for “Change”

without understanding what this “Change” means.

The above Article should be read by anyone with

character and who can think logically. Then, it should

be read again!

The Spirit of Karl Marx is alive and well!

Poll: McCain Better for Tough Decisions

Wednesday, September 17, 2008 5:27 PM

By: Dick Morris & Eileen McGann Article Font Size

According to a Fox News poll, there appears to be a gap of between 10 and 20 points over how voters see the parties and what they think of the candidates. Between one-tenth and one-fifth of America's voters feel that the Democratic Party would be the best for the country but like the McCain-Palin ticket better.

Here are the issues:

By seven points, they identify as Democrats more than Republicans. But by 16 points, they say that if they faced the "toughest decision of your life" they would go to McCain rather than Obama for advice.

They think the Democrats will do better on healthcare by 19 points, but by 20 points they think McCain is more qualified than Obama to be president.

They prefer the Democrats to deal with the economy by four points (down from 10 a few months ago) but feel — by eight points — that the Republicans better understand what it is like to live day by day in America.

While they are more likely to vote Democrat for Congress, they rate Obama as more of a talker than a doer by 20 points and rate McCain the opposite by 15 and, by nine points, they think the Republican ticket has the better judgment than the Democratic nominees.

If this were a nonpartisan mayoral election, McCain would win in a walk. If this were a European-style proportional representation contest, Obama would be the next president by a good margin. But our system is a unique fusion, of course, of the two — a decision on the candidate and on the party.

How odd that Obama, with a world-class personality and an incredibly charismatic speaking style, should be losing the mano-a-mano contest to McCain, who is 25 years older and a foot shorter. But McCain has opened up a decisive lead over Obama, actually using the Democrat's articulateness against him.

Asked in the Fox News poll whether each candidate is a "talker" or a "doer," voters perceive Obama as more of a talker by 15 points and see McCain as more of a doer by 24 points.

This kind of gap in the assessment of the candidates shows dramatically what a steep hill Obama has yet to climb. But the fact that the very same sample on the Fox News poll turned right around and voted for McCain by only three points shows how skewed the party preference is against McCain.

In effect, a lot of Democrats and independents are saying we trust McCain more, he has better judgment, he is more of a doer, and we think he's more qualified — but we are going to vote for Obama because he is a Democrat and we agree with his party more on healthcare, energy, and the economy.

Such a dichotomy is an unnatural political situation. Since 2000, we have become accustomed to 50-50 politics with each side holding its red states or blue ones close to its vest with few voters in the no man's land in between. But the portrait that emerges from the polling is quite different. It is a consensus on how much water there is in the glass. The only difference is whether to see it as half-empty or half-full!

What will prevail? Party or candidate? It's hard to tell. But debates are between people, not parties, and it is the three debates that will probably determine the outcome of this race.

© 2008 Dick Morris & Eileen McGann

Will Democrats Ever Recover From Obama?

Will Democrats Ever Recover From Obama?

By ERNEST S. CHRISTIAN | Posted Wednesday, September 17, 2008 4:30 PM PT

The Democrats have spent a year demonstrating yet again why they are unfit to lead the nation — and perhaps unfit any longer to be a major political party.

A year ago, they were the default option and seemed to have the '08 election in the bag. All they had to do was step up and act responsibly. Then along came Barack Obama starring in a self-produced one-act drama about a fictional hero named Barack Obama.

The New York Times and Washington Post swooned. They rushed out rave reviews and embellished the script with additional exaggerations of their own. So did CNN and the networks.

Soon, the high-octane prospect of a left-wing charismatic with bonus points for race and a claim to historic significance became irresistible. Before the rank and file caught on to the media hustle, Barack Obama walked off with the nomination and ownership of the Democratic Party.

Now the Democrats are compounding the fraud by foisting him off on the voters. The Barack Obama they are peddling is a media-created virtual person endowed by his creators with characteristics that do not represent the real Barack Obama. Millions of people are being duped.

The fictional Barack Obama may win the election in November, but if he does, it will be the real Barack Obama who will occupy the White House and exercise nearly untrammeled power over the lives and livelihoods of 300 million Americans. Therein lies the enormity of the trick the Democrats are playing on the American people.

Why should Americans of African heritage invest their hopes, dreams and identities in a Chicago pol with an unsavory past replete with radicals, racketeers and racists, a borderline Marxist agenda and a doubtful attitude toward America — and with whom they have nothing in common other than skin color?

How many Reagan Democrats want a left-wing collectivist in the White House, especially one who has no respect for them and their values? Even "liberals" do not actually like to pay high taxes or want the economic pie to be made smaller.

And nobody looks forward to a more authoritarian government. Who, for example, wants a government bureaucrat telling them which doctors to use, what medical care they can receive and when?

How do the real people of America, those who do the work, raise the families, pay the taxes, defend the nation and make America the truly exceptional place that it is, feel about an arrogant young man whose self-esteem is so much greater than his accomplishments?

Do they want a president who has seldom held a real job, never run a business or done much of anything other than promote himself? And what about the young idealists preparing to cast their first votes? Do they really intend to vote for an illusion? Do any Americans want a president who regards himself as a citizen of the world and may have mixed loyalties?

The potential downside consequences of an Obama presidency are enormous. And on the upside, what is to be gained? The frisson of having voted to elect an African-American president? A last-minute slap at President Bush, who will be out of office in January anyway? A pointless protest against a war that is now being won and will soon be over?

Does anyone seriously think that Barack Obama will do better than John McCain in keeping America safe and prosperous? Surely not. Risking a lot to gain nothing is a very bad bet — potentially even fatal — but that is exactly what the Democrats and the media are asking voters to do.

Democrats have for decades been short on both ideas and credible candidates. But they are great pretenders and, with the aid of the dominant media, have in the past often been successful in wrapping the banner of Roosevelt and Kennedy around some extraordinarily frail stand-ins.

Padding a resume is one thing — exaggeration is, after all, a part of politics — but it is quite another thing to paper over discomfiting parts of a candidate's resume and condemn those who ask or wonder why. The Democrats are insulting people's intelligence and making a mockery of the electoral process by asking them to vote for a figment of the media's imagination.

Christian, an attorney, was a deputy assistant secretary of the Treasury in the Ford administration.

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September 16, 2008

Profile In Incompetence:

Profile In Incompetence: The Worst President In American History

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Wednesday, September 10, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Jimmy Carter became our 39th president at the young age of 52. He was a one-term governor from Plains, GA, where he managed the family peanut farm and taught Sunday school. He was also a graduate of the Naval Academy and served seven years in the Navy, leaving as a lieutenant.

He came to power in the aftermath of the Vietnam War and the resignation of President Nixon. The public wanted change and someone new, and Carter was an ambitious, hands-on politician who promised better days. As good as his intentions were, however, the things he tried were not successful. In fact, he created far more serious problems than he ever solved.

The centerpiece of Carter's foreign policy was human rights, and he did achieve one noble success—a peace treaty between Egypt's Anwar Sadat and Israel's Menachem Begin. Unfortunately, that later led to Sadat's assassination at the hands of Muslim radicals.

Many people felt Carter was a good man who worked hard and meant well. But he was naive and incompetent in handling the enormous burdens and complex challenges of being president.

He wrongly believed Americans had an "inordinate fear of communism," so he lifted travel bans to Cuba, North Vietnam and Cambodia and pardoned draft evaders. He also stopped B-1 bomber production and gave away our strategically located Panama Canal.
His most damaging miscalculation was the withdrawal of U.S. support for the Shah of Iran, a strong and longtime military ally. Carter objected to the Shah's alleged mistreatment of imprisoned Soviet spies who were working to overthrow Iran's government. He thought the exiled Ayatollah Khomeini, being a religious man, would make a fairer leader.

Having lost U.S. support, the Shah was overthrown, the Ayatollah returned, Iran was declared an Islamic nation and Palestinian hit men were hired to eliminate opposition.

The Ayatollah then introduced the idea of suicide bombers to the Palestine Liberation Organization, paying $35,000 to PLO families whose young people were brainwashed to kill as many Israelis as possible by blowing themselves up in crowded shopping areas.

Next, the Ayatollah used Iran's oil wealth to create, train and finance a new terrorist organization, Hezbollah, which later would attackIsrael in 2006.

In November 1979, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and other Iranians stormed the U.S. embassy in Tehran and took 52 Americans hostage for 444 days. Not until six months into the ordeal did Carter attempt a rescue. But the mission, using just six Navy helicopters, was poorly executed. Three of the copters were disabled or lost in sandstorms. (Pilots weren't allowed to meet with weather forecasters because someone in authority worried about security.) Five airmen and three Marines lost their lives.

So, due to overconfidence, inexperience and poor judgment, Carter undermined and lost a strong ally, Iran, that today aggressively threatens the U.S., Israel and the rest of the world with nuclear weapons.

But that's not all. After Carter met for the first time with Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev, the USSR promptly invaded Afghanistan. Carter, ever the naive appeaser, was shocked. "I can't believe the Russians lied to me," he said.

In spite of this, Carter's last defense budget proposed spending 45% below pre-Vietnam levels for fighter aircraft, 75% for ships, 83% for attack submarines and 90% for helicopters.

Years later, as a civilian, Carter negotiated a peace agreement with North Korea to keep that communist country from developing nuclear weapons. He also convinced President Clinton and Secretary of State Madeleine Albright to go along with it. But the signed piece of paper proved worthless. The North Koreans deceived Carter and instead used our money, incentives and technical equipment to build nuclear weapons and pose the threat we face today.

Thus did Carter unwittingly become our Neville Chamberlain, creating with his well-intended but inept, unrealistic and gullible actions the very conditions that led to the three most dangerous security threats we face today: Iran, al-Qaida and North Korea.

On the domestic side, Carter gave us inflation of 15%, the highest in 34 years; interest rates of 21%, the highest in 115 years; and a severe energy crisis with lines around the block at gas stations nationwide.

In 1977, Carter, along with a Democrat Congress, created a worthy project with noble intentions—the Community Reinvestment Act. Over strong industry objections, it mandated that all banks meet the credit needs of their entire communities.

In 1995, President Clinton imposed even stronger regulations and performance tests that coerced banks to substantially increase loans to low-income, poverty-area borrowers or face fines or possible restrictions on expansion. These revisions allowed for securitization of CRA loans containing subprime mortgages.

By 1997, good loans were bundled with poor ones and sold as prime packages to institutions here and abroad. That shifted risk from the loan originators, freeing banks to begin pyramiding and make more of these profitable subprime products.

Under two young, well-intended presidents, therefore, big-government plans and mandates played a significant role in the current subprime mortgage mess and its catastrophic consequences for the U.S. and international economies.

Hardest-hit by the mortgage foreclosures have been the citizens that Democrats always claim to help most—inner-city residents who fell victim to low or no down payment schemes, unexpected adjustable rates, deceptive loan applications and commission-hungry salespeople.

Now we're having to bail out at huge cost Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, the very agencies that were supposed to stabilize the system. In time, this should improve the situation. But the party of Carter and Clinton that midwifed our mortgage mess now wants to be trusted to take over and have the government run our entire system of health care!



Read this:

Boy, am I confused. I have been hammered with the propaganda that it is the Iraq war and the war on terror that is bankrupting us. I now find that to be RIDICULOUS. I hope the following 14 reasons are forwarded over and over again until they are read so many times that the reader gets sick of reading them. I have included the URL's for verification of all the following facts.
1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments. Verify at: http://tinyurl.com/zob77
2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.
verify at: ttp://www.cis..org/articles/ 2004/fiscalexec.html
3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens. Verify at: http://www cis..org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.html
4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for childrenhere illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!
verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.0.html
5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.
Verify at http ://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens. Verify at:http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens. Verify at:http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers. Verify at: http://premium.cnn.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.html
9. $200 Billion Dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens. Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.html
10.The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, the ir children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US. Verify at:http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.html
11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border; also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries.
Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border. Verify at: Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl.com/t9sht
12. The National Policy Institute, 'estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion
annually over a five year period.' Verify at: http://www.nationalpolicy institute.org/pdf/deportation.pdf
13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances back to their countries of origin. Verify at: http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.htm
14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One Million Sex Crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States.' Verify at: http://www.dr dsk.com/articleshtml

The total cost is a whopping $338.3 BILLION DOLLARS A YEAR.. Are we THAT stupid? If this doesn't bother you then just delete the message. If, on the other hand, it does raise the hair on the back of your neck, I hope you forward it to every legal resident in the country including every representative in Washington, D.C. - five times a week for as long as it takes to restore some semblance of intelligence in our policies and enforcement thereof.






Here is one of the Obama supporters..............
Long after she's dead, people will wonder how she got away with what she did and never put on trial for treason! Some thought being married to Tom Hayden was punishment enough! Many thought there was no such thing as enough, nor was there any justice around!

In Memory of
my brother-in-law
LT. C. Thomsen Wieland
who spent 100 days at the Hanoi Hilton

She really was a Traitor.

She really was a traitor


This is for all the kids born in the 70's who do
not remember, and didn't have to bear the
burden that our fathers, mothers and older
brothers and sisters had to bear.

Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the
'100 Women of the Century.' BY BARBRA WALTERS (How sick is this?)

Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still
countless others have never known how Ms.
Fonda betrayed ,not only the idea of our country,
but specific men who served and sacrificed
during Vietnam!

The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot, Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat.

In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF
Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison
the ' Hanoi Hilton.'

Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell,
cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was
ordered to describe for a visiting American
'Peace Activist' the 'lenient and humane
treatment' he'd received. Instead,He spat at Ms. Fonda!

He was clubbed and dragged away.
During the subsequent beating, he fell forward
on to the camp Commandant 's feet which
sent that officer berserk!

In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from
double vision (which permanently ended his
flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied
application of a wooden baton!

From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the
47FW/DO (F-4E's). He spent 6 years in the
'Hanoi Hilton',,, the first three of which his
family only knew he was 'missing in action'.
His wife lived on faith that he was still alive.
His group, too, got cleaned-up, fed and paraded out

to show the world that they were alive, and being treated well.
Each man, though, secreted a tiny
piece of paper, with his Social Security Number
on it, in the palm of his hand..

When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a
cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each
man's hand and asking little encouraging
snippets like: 'Aren't you sorry you bombed
babies?' and 'Are you grateful for the humane
treatment from your benevolent captors?'
Believing this HAD to be an act, they each
palmed her their sliver of paper.

She took them all without missing a beat. At the
end of the line ...and once the cameras stopped
rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs,
she turned to the officer in charge and


Three men died from the subsequent beatings!
Colonel Carrigan was almost number four...
but he survived, which is the ONLY REASON we
know of her actions that day!

I was a civilian economic development advisor
in Vietnam , and was captured by the North
Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in
1968, and held prisoner for over 5 years.

I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one
year in a cage in Cambodia ; and one year
in a 'black box' in Hanoi .
My North Vietnamese captors deliberately
poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a
nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South
Vietnam , whom I buried in the jungle near the
Cambodian border.
At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs.
(My normal weight is 170 lbs.)

We were Jane Fonda's 'war criminals!'

When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi , I was asked by
the camp communist political officer if I would
be willing to meet with her.

I said yes, for I wanted to tell her about the real
treatment we POWs received... and how
different it was from the treatment purported by
the North Vietnamese, and parroted by her as
'humane and lenient.'

Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky
floor on my knees, with my arms outstretched
with a large steel weights placed on my hands,
and beaten with a bamboo cane.

I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda
soon after I was released.

I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV.
She never did answer me.

These first-hand experiences do not exemplify
someone who should be honored as part of '100 Years of Great Women.'

Lest we forget...' 100 Years of Great Women'
should NEVER INCLUDE A TRAITOR whose hands are
covered with the blood of so many TRUE PATRIOTS!

There are few things I have strong visceral
reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's participation in
BLATANT TREASON, is one of them!

Please take the time to forward to as many
people as you possibly can.
It will eventually end up on her computer and
she needs to know that we will never forget.
716 Maintenance Squadron, Chief of
DSN: 875-6431
COMM: 883-6343

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