We will try to cover the important happenings in our Beautiful Country, tell of events, people, the good as well as the bad and ugly.

Blog Archive

November 1, 2008

The Colonel and Lincoln.


Subject: The Colonel and Lincoln......... POWERFUL


33 Senators Voted Against English as America's Official Language on June 6,

On Wed. 6 June 2007, Colonel Harry Riley, USA, Ret. wrote:

Senators: Your vote against an amendment to the immigration Bill 1348.... to
make English America's official language is astounding.

On D-Day, no less, when we honor those that sacrificed in order to secure
the bedrock, character and principles of America, I can only surmise your
vote reflects a loyalty to illegal aliens.

I don't much care where you come from. What your religion is. Whether you're
black, white, or some other color...male or female......Democrat, Republican
or Independent...... But I do care when you are a United States Senator
representing Citizens of America ....and Vote against English as the
official language of the United States.

Your vote reflects Betrayal. Political Surrender. Violates Your Pledge of
Allegiance. Dishonors historical principle. Rejects Patriotism. Borders on
traitorous action and, in my opinion, makes you unfit to serve as a United
States Senator...impeachment... Recall..Or other appropriate action is
warranted, or worse.

Four of you voting against English as America 's Official Language were

Candidates: Senator Biden, Senator Clinton, Senator Dodd and Senator Obama.

Four Senators vying to lead America, but won't, or don't, have the courage
to cast a vote in favor of English as America's Official Language when 91%
of American Citizens want English officially designated as our language.

This is the second time in the last several months this list of Senators
have disgraced themselves as 'political Hacks'..... Unworthy as Senators and
certainly unqualified to serve as President of the United States .

If America is as angry as I am, you will realize a backlash so stunning it
will literally 'rock you out of your socks'... And preferably totally out of
the United States Senate.

The entire immigration bill is a farce... Your action only confirms this
really isn't about America ... it is about self-serving
politics...despicable at best. It has been said: 'Never Argue with an
Idiot....They'll drag you down to their level!'

'Congressmen who willfully take actions during wartime that damages morale
and undermine the military are saboteurs and should be arrested, quickly
tried and hanged!!!'


Adding Up Obama + Pelosi + Reid + Frank

Adding Up Obama + Pelosi + Reid + Frank

By CHARLES KRAUTHAMMER | Posted Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:30 PM PT

Last week I made the open-and-shut case for John McCain: In a dangerous world entering an era of uncontrolled nuclear proliferation, the choice between the most prepared foreign policy candidate in memory vs. a novice with zero experience and the wobbliest one-world instincts is not a close call.

But it's all about economics and kitchen-table issues, we are told. OK. Start with economics.

Neither candidate has particularly deep economic knowledge or finely honed economic instincts. Neither has any clear idea exactly what to do in the current financial meltdown.

Hell, neither does anyone else, including the best economic minds in the world, from Henry Paulson to the head of the European Central Bank. Yet they have muddled through with some success.

Both McCain and Barack Obama have assembled fine economic teams that may differ on the details of their plans but have reasonable approaches to managing the crisis. So forget the hype. Neither candidate has an advantage on this issue.

On other domestic issues, McCain is just the kind of moderate conservative that the Washington/media establishment once loved — the champion of myriad conservative heresies that made him a burr in the side of congressional Republicans and George W. Bush.

But now that he is standing in the way of an audacity-of-hope Democratic restoration, erstwhile friends recoil from McCain on the pretense that he has suddenly become right wing.

Self-serving rubbish. McCain is who he always was. Generally speaking, he sees government as a Rooseveltian counterweight (Teddy with a touch of Franklin) to the various malefactors of wealth and power.

He wants government to tackle large looming liabilities such as Social Security and Medicare. He wants to free up health insurance by beginning to sever its debilitating connection to employment — a ruinous accident of history (arising from World War II wage and price controls) that increases the terror of job loss, inhibits labor mobility and saddles American industry with costs that are driving it (see: Detroit) into insolvency. And he supports lower corporate and marginal tax rates to encourage entrepreneurship and job creation.

An eclectic, moderate, generally centrist agenda in a guy almost congenitally given to bipartisanship.

Obama, on the other hand, talks less and less about bipartisanship, his calling card during his earlier messianic stage. He does not need to. If he wins, he will have large Democratic majorities in both houses. And unlike 1992, Obama is no Clinton centrist.

What will you get?

(1) Card check, meaning the abolition of the secret ballot in the certification of unions in the workplace. Large men will come to your house at night and ask you to sign a card supporting a union. You will sign.

(2) The so-called Fairness Doctrine — a project of Nancy Pelosi and leading Democratic senators — a Hugo Chavez-style travesty designed to abolish conservative talk radio.

(3) Judges who go beyond even the constitutional creativity we expect from Democratic appointees. Judges chosen according to Obama's publicly declared criterion: "empathy" for the "poor or African-American or gay or disabled or old" — in a legal system historically predicated on the idea of justice entirely blind to one's station in life.

(4) An unprecedented expansion of government power. Yes, I know. It has already happened. A conservative government has already partially nationalized the mortgage industry, the insurance industry and nine of the largest U.S. banks.

This is all generally swallowed because everyone understands that the current crisis demands extraordinary measures. The difference is that conservatives are instinctively inclined to make such measures temporary.

Whereas an Obama-Pelosi-Reid-Barney Frank administration will find irresistible the temptation to use the tools inherited — $700 billion of largely uncontrolled spending — as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to radically remake the American economy and social compact.

This is not socialism. This is not the end of the world. It would, however, be a decidedly leftward move on the order of Lyndon Johnson's Great Society.

The alternative is a McCain administration with a moderate conservative presiding over a divided government and generally inclined to resist a European social-democratic model of economic and social regulation featuring, for example, wealth-distributing, growth-killing marginal tax rates.

The national security choice in this election is no contest. The domestic policy choice is more equivocal because it is ideological. McCain is the quintessential center-right candidate. Yet the quintessential center-right country is poised to reject him. The hunger for anti-Republican catharsis and the blinding promise of Obamian hope are simply too strong. The reckoning comes in the morning.

© 2008 Washington Post Writers Group

All Charisma, No Heart

All Charisma, No Heart

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Thursday, October 30, 2008 4:20 PM PT

Character: Barack Obama would "spread the wealth" as president, but until lately the Obamas were giving less than 1% of their own high incomes to the needy and neglecting even poverty-stricken blood relatives.

Sen. Barack Obama is apparently quite a cheapskate when it comes to giving to charity. From 2001 to 2004, the tax returns for Mr. and Mrs. Ebenezer Obama show less than $8,500 in donations out of the nearly $1 million they made.

In 2005 and 2006, with book royalties making them millionaires, their charitable contributions rose to about 5% of income. But how "charitable" are some of the causes Obama supports? In 2006, for instance, he gave more than $20,000 to the notorious Rev. Jeremiah Wright's Trinity United Church of Christ in Chicago.

Imagine that. Giving tens of thousands of dollars to someone who preaches "not God Bless America; God damn America!" from the pulpit. It remains incomprehensible that John McCain chose not to hammer home Obama's close association with Wright. The Wright issue has nothing to do with race, and everything to do with radical ideology.

Another supposed charitable donation was the more than $13,000 Obama gave to the Congressional Black Caucus. The CBC last year confirmed that it is a hard-core segregationist organization. When white liberal Democrat Steve Cohen ran in a majority-black House district in Memphis in 2006, he pledged to become the first white CBC member. But once he won, caucus members told him that whites need not apply.

Juxtapose that with the South Carolina state Republican Party chairman feeling compelled last month to resign his 12-year membership in an exclusive whites-only country club. Imagine the uproar if McCain, like Obama, had given a $13,000 "charitable donation" to a group that restricts membership based on race.

How can Obama spare thousands for Chicago's Muntu Theater of African dance, while allowing his 56-year-old Aunt Zeituni, about whom he reminisces fondly in his best-selling "Dreams From My Father," to live in a South Boston slum, as exposed by the Times of London this week? While Obama was swimming in well over $600 million in cash contributions, his underprivileged Kenyan-born auntie actually sent his campaign a modest donation.

A 2003 Associated Press story profiling poor people who buy lottery tickets at check-cashing stores apparently quotes Obama's Aunt Zeituni, describing her as unemployed and cash-strapped.

Obama's Uncle Omar, also described affectionately in his book, was apparently evicted from his Boston home in 2000 after losing his job. Then there is Obama's 26-year-old half brother, George Hussein Onyango Obama, discovered by the Italian edition of Vanity Fair to be living in a hovel near Nairobi, claiming to earn "less than a dollar a month."

It's funny how Obama can sell his memoir exploiting his relatives and humanize himself for voters, yet be too busy getting ready to change the world to be there for them when they need a hand.

October 30, 2008


Time is running out! We must act now so that left wing groups like ACORN know that they can't get away with "stealing" your vote!

But as if potentially "stealing" your vote was not bad enough - to add insult to injury - a new story has come to light that is equally as troubling:

If you're a soldier overseas - putting your life on the line to defend and preserve our freedoms - FORGET IT... YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK... APPARENTLY YOUR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT!

According to the website StoptheACLU.com:

"This year’s election mischief is not limited to the fraud perpetrated by Obama’s old ACORN friends. Swing state Virginia has been finding lame excuses to toss out military ballots, even as it allows nonresident college students to vote there... As if to replace the military voters who will not be allowed a say in the election, bureaucrats have visited Fairfax County jail to encourage criminals to vote."

Just in case you haven't heard the story, essentially, the Fairfax County Virginia Registrar of Voters found a discrepancy between the Virginia law and the federal law and used it as a pathetic excuse to start throwing out absentee votes of service members.

According to the Associated Press, Fairfax County General Registrar Rokey W. Suleman II said; "We're following the letter of Virginia law."

Jed Babbin with Human Events knew better:

"The just-issued opinion smacks down the partisan effort by Fairfax registrar Rokey Suleman who -- contrary to federal law -- was requiring military absentee ballots to show the address of the witness countersigning the ballot."

For the record, the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia Bob McDonnell issued an opinion on Monday in defense of our men and women in uniform but Suleman's bone-headed action is just one example of the transparent hypocrisy of the liberal bureaucrats across the country.

It's likely you'll hear of more.

And one thing is becoming abundantly clear.

It's not about attempting to "stop voter disenfranchisement" or making sure that "every vote counts."

That's why, with the election about a week away, we can't afford to lose a second!

Patriotic Americans must stand up and continue to be counted!

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

It's A Little Bigger Than A Few Dead People Voting In Chicago.

Recently, we told you about massive voter registration fraud in Nevada and Georgia.

To refresh your memory, according to the liberal New York Times:

"In the year ending Sept. 30, election officials in Nevada, for example, used the Social Security database more than 740,000 times to check voter files or registration applications and found more than 715,000 nonmatches, federal records show. Election officials in Georgia ran more than 1.9 million checks on voter files or voter registration applications and found more than 260,000 nonmatches."

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Add Indiana, Ohio and Colorado to the list.

According to the Associated Press:

"The Indiana secretary of state's office says it has found evidence of 'multiple criminal violations' in connection with voter registration applications in Lake County. Secretary of State Todd Rokita says they include possible violations of state and federal racketeering laws."

"Rokita says 30 percent of the applications included information that was obviously incorrect, incomplete or illegible. He calls it a "fraud perpetrated on all of the people of Indiana."

As for Ohio... according to UPI:

"President George W. Bush has asked the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the status of 200,000 newly registered Ohio voters."

Some liberals simply shrug off this threat to our system of government.

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile wrote for CNN:

"The so-called ACORN scandal is no more than a few canvassers trying to meet their quota and make easy money by cheating the system."

But others are more brazen and are actually demanding the courts reinstate questionable registrations already purged from the voter rolls.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

"A similar legal drama could play out in Colorado. Republicans there are charging that the Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is loading up the voter rolls with unqualified people. Democrats are asking a federal court to reinstate approximately 30,000 Colorado voters purged from registration lists by Secretary of State Mike Coffman, a Republican."

It's becoming painfully obvious.

We're not just talking about a handful of dead people voting in Chicago.

We're talking about bedlam.

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

The Integrity of Our Elections Are At Stake.

There's only ONE way to STOP ACORN.

The actions you take (or do not take) RIGHT NOW as you read this urgent appeal may well determine whether or not ACORN will succeed.

The Internet Blog Powerline.com went so far as to write:

"It is reasonable to ask whether ACORN is in fact a criminal conspiracy to subvert the voting rights of Americans."

ACORN's actions, which are currently under investigation in 12 states, may actually strike at the very heart of the freedoms we cherish and enjoy in the United States of America!

This is one of the most urgent and pivotal letters we've ever put before you.

These are desperate times and simply listening to Sean Hannity or Rush talk about this evolving scandal on the radio WILL NOT STOP ACORN!

Hearing allegations about ACORN on FOX News WILL NOT STOP ACORN!

Simply shooting off an angry e-mail IS NOT going to STOP ACORN!

And no, threatening legal action AFTER the fact IS NOT going to STOP ACORN!

Frankly, RIGHT NOW, talk is cheap.

There's ONLY ONE WAY TO STOP the apparent massive voter fraud that may be taking place right under your nose.

Simply put, it's now within the realm of possibility that hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of fraudulent votes could be cast in pivotal swing states and make a farce of our entire electoral process!

There is not a moment to lose!

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

A History of Fraud and Deceit...

ACORN has a long and dubious history.

House Minority Leader John Boehner recently said:

“Election cycle after election cycle, this organization has been at the forefront of breaking the law in order to promote their left-wing agenda. All the while, they have been the recipients of millions of dollars of federal funding through various federal programs and third-party groups. House Republicans took a stand recently to cut off funding to an ACORN slush fund created by their allies in the House Majority, but now more must be done."

Boehner continued:

"ACORN spent decades promoting the housing policies that brought America’s economy to the brink, and similarly over the years has committed fraud on our system of elections, making American voters question the fairness and accuracy of the exercise of their most fundamental right under the Constitution. Now it is time to cut off ACORN before it grows even more destructive.”

Michael Gaynor with Canada Free Press recounts:

“These are recent complaints, but ACORN’s history is riddled with criminal activity. During the last major election [2006], the Wall Street Journal did a story about ACORN. Four ACORN workers had been indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms to the Kansas City, Missouri, election board; other ACORN workers were convicted in Wisconsin and Colorado and investigations, at the time the article was written, were under way in Ohio, Tennessee and Pennsylvania."

Gaynor also writes of more recent indictments and investigations:

"Last year, The Seattle Times reported the biggest voter-registration fraud scheme in Washington history. Three ACORN employees pleaded guilty, and four more were charged for filling out and submitting more than 1,800 fictitious voter-registration cards during a 2006 registration drive in King and Pierce counties.’ (Keith Ervin, ‘Three plead guilty in fake voter scheme,’ 10-30-2007)"

"This year, an ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced for up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.

"There are also examples of indictments this year, such as the four ACORN employees in Kansas City charged with identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election and the Reynoldsburg fellow indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate counties. And there are current investigations into ACORN for voter fraud all over the map... ."

If criminal indictments did not deter ACORN in the past...

...why would they deter ACORN NOW?

No, there is only one solution to this problem.

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

P.S. Please help us reach as many concerned Americans as possible by forwarding this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends and family members.



Time is running out! We must act now so that left wing groups like ACORN know that they can't get away with "stealing" your vote!

But as if potentially "stealing" your vote was not bad enough - to add insult to injury - a new story has come to light that is equally as troubling:

If you're a soldier overseas - putting your life on the line to defend and preserve our freedoms - FORGET IT... YOU'RE OUT OF LUCK... APPARENTLY YOUR VOTE DOESN'T COUNT!

According to the website StoptheACLU.com:

"This year’s election mischief is not limited to the fraud perpetrated by Obama’s old ACORN friends. Swing state Virginia has been finding lame excuses to toss out military ballots, even as it allows nonresident college students to vote there... As if to replace the military voters who will not be allowed a say in the election, bureaucrats have visited Fairfax County jail to encourage criminals to vote."

Just in case you haven't heard the story, essentially, the Fairfax County Virginia Registrar of Voters found a discrepancy between the Virginia law and the federal law and used it as a pathetic excuse to start throwing out absentee votes of service members.

According to the Associated Press, Fairfax County General Registrar Rokey W. Suleman II said; "We're following the letter of Virginia law."

Jed Babbin with Human Events knew better:

"The just-issued opinion smacks down the partisan effort by Fairfax registrar Rokey Suleman who -- contrary to federal law -- was requiring military absentee ballots to show the address of the witness countersigning the ballot."

For the record, the Attorney General of the Commonwealth of Virginia Bob McDonnell issued an opinion on Monday in defense of our men and women in uniform but Suleman's bone-headed action is just one example of the transparent hypocrisy of the liberal bureaucrats across the country.

It's likely you'll hear of more.

And one thing is becoming abundantly clear.

It's not about attempting to "stop voter disenfranchisement" or making sure that "every vote counts."

That's why, with the election about a week away, we can't afford to lose a second!

Patriotic Americans must stand up and continue to be counted!

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

It's A Little Bigger Than A Few Dead People Voting In Chicago.

Recently, we told you about massive voter registration fraud in Nevada and Georgia.

To refresh your memory, according to the liberal New York Times:

"In the year ending Sept. 30, election officials in Nevada, for example, used the Social Security database more than 740,000 times to check voter files or registration applications and found more than 715,000 nonmatches, federal records show. Election officials in Georgia ran more than 1.9 million checks on voter files or voter registration applications and found more than 260,000 nonmatches."

That’s just the tip of the iceberg.

Add Indiana, Ohio and Colorado to the list.

According to the Associated Press:

"The Indiana secretary of state's office says it has found evidence of 'multiple criminal violations' in connection with voter registration applications in Lake County. Secretary of State Todd Rokita says they include possible violations of state and federal racketeering laws."

"Rokita says 30 percent of the applications included information that was obviously incorrect, incomplete or illegible. He calls it a "fraud perpetrated on all of the people of Indiana."

As for Ohio... according to UPI:

"President George W. Bush has asked the U.S. Justice Department to investigate the status of 200,000 newly registered Ohio voters."

Some liberals simply shrug off this threat to our system of government.

Democratic strategist Donna Brazile wrote for CNN:

"The so-called ACORN scandal is no more than a few canvassers trying to meet their quota and make easy money by cheating the system."

But others are more brazen and are actually demanding the courts reinstate questionable registrations already purged from the voter rolls.

According to the Los Angeles Times:

"A similar legal drama could play out in Colorado. Republicans there are charging that the Assn. of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) is loading up the voter rolls with unqualified people. Democrats are asking a federal court to reinstate approximately 30,000 Colorado voters purged from registration lists by Secretary of State Mike Coffman, a Republican."

It's becoming painfully obvious.

We're not just talking about a handful of dead people voting in Chicago.

We're talking about bedlam.

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

The Integrity of Our Elections Are At Stake.

There's only ONE way to STOP ACORN.

The actions you take (or do not take) RIGHT NOW as you read this urgent appeal may well determine whether or not ACORN will succeed.

The Internet Blog Powerline.com went so far as to write:

"It is reasonable to ask whether ACORN is in fact a criminal conspiracy to subvert the voting rights of Americans."

ACORN's actions, which are currently under investigation in 12 states, may actually strike at the very heart of the freedoms we cherish and enjoy in the United States of America!

This is one of the most urgent and pivotal letters we've ever put before you.

These are desperate times and simply listening to Sean Hannity or Rush talk about this evolving scandal on the radio WILL NOT STOP ACORN!

Hearing allegations about ACORN on FOX News WILL NOT STOP ACORN!

Simply shooting off an angry e-mail IS NOT going to STOP ACORN!

And no, threatening legal action AFTER the fact IS NOT going to STOP ACORN!

Frankly, RIGHT NOW, talk is cheap.

There's ONLY ONE WAY TO STOP the apparent massive voter fraud that may be taking place right under your nose.

Simply put, it's now within the realm of possibility that hundreds of thousands - if not millions - of fraudulent votes could be cast in pivotal swing states and make a farce of our entire electoral process!

There is not a moment to lose!

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

A History of Fraud and Deceit...

ACORN has a long and dubious history.

House Minority Leader John Boehner recently said:

“Election cycle after election cycle, this organization has been at the forefront of breaking the law in order to promote their left-wing agenda. All the while, they have been the recipients of millions of dollars of federal funding through various federal programs and third-party groups. House Republicans took a stand recently to cut off funding to an ACORN slush fund created by their allies in the House Majority, but now more must be done."

Boehner continued:

"ACORN spent decades promoting the housing policies that brought America’s economy to the brink, and similarly over the years has committed fraud on our system of elections, making American voters question the fairness and accuracy of the exercise of their most fundamental right under the Constitution. Now it is time to cut off ACORN before it grows even more destructive.”

Michael Gaynor with Canada Free Press recounts:

“These are recent complaints, but ACORN’s history is riddled with criminal activity. During the last major election [2006], the Wall Street Journal did a story about ACORN. Four ACORN workers had been indicted by a federal grand jury for submitting false voter registration forms to the Kansas City, Missouri, election board; other ACORN workers were convicted in Wisconsin and Colorado and investigations, at the time the article was written, were under way in Ohio, Tennessee and Pennsylvania."

Gaynor also writes of more recent indictments and investigations:

"Last year, The Seattle Times reported the biggest voter-registration fraud scheme in Washington history. Three ACORN employees pleaded guilty, and four more were charged for filling out and submitting more than 1,800 fictitious voter-registration cards during a 2006 registration drive in King and Pierce counties.’ (Keith Ervin, ‘Three plead guilty in fake voter scheme,’ 10-30-2007)"

"This year, an ACORN employee in West Reading, PA, was sentenced for up to 23 months in prison for identity theft and tampering with records. A second ACORN worker pleaded not guilty to the same charges and is free on $10,000 bail.

"There are also examples of indictments this year, such as the four ACORN employees in Kansas City charged with identity theft and filing false registrations during the 2006 election and the Reynoldsburg fellow indicted on two felony counts of illegal voting and false registration, after being registered by ACORN to vote in two separate counties. And there are current investigations into ACORN for voter fraud all over the map... ."

If criminal indictments did not deter ACORN in the past...

...why would they deter ACORN NOW?

No, there is only one solution to this problem.

Some battles must be fought to the bitter end... win, lose or draw. This is one of those battles. This is one of those times. We simply cannot stop now... we must fight this battle to the bitter end. If we don't, lawmakers and bureaucrats across the country will think the American people will simply roll over and accept what constitutes a complete mockery of our electoral process. It will never end and each mockery and offense will simply become more egregious and more blatant. Now is the time to draw a line in the sand!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent, separate and distinct Blast Faxes to President George W. Bush and each and every Member of the Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them to call Congress back into session immediately and demand that they pass emergency legislation that will require all voters to present valid state or federal IDs at the polling place or have their votes counted only provisionally until legitimacy can be verified. Tell them that the cherished privilege to vote is pivotal to our way of life and MUST be protected from ALL illegitimate challenges whether they come from the political left or the political right!


AOL Members Use This Hyperlink

If the button does not work, you should copy and paste it into the address bar of your browser.

We MUST flood our legislative officials with high-impact faxes and calls. After you take action, please forward this urgent and time sensitive alert to at least 10 of your friends. Our system of government hangs in the balance!

Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

P.S. Please help us reach as many concerned Americans as possible by forwarding this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends and family members.

Obama's 'Change' Is Socialism

Obama's 'Change' Is Socialism

Thursday, October 30, 2008 7:56 AM

By: Michael Reagan

The other day, I went to a Hollywood luncheon crammed with producers, directors, writers, and other film industry notables.

One of them, Larry Gelbart of “MASH” fame, spoke telling the group that since capitalism has failed, why don’t we try socialism?

Try socialism? Take a sip of it and see how it tastes? It doesn’t work that way.

There’s an old saying that you can’t be half-socialist any more than you can be half-pregnant; get knocked up with a socialist fetus and you’ll have to deliver a full-born Marxist. There’s nothing in between. Try it, you’ll like it; and if you don’t, as the lads in the Gestapo used to tell people, they had ways to make them like it.

Larry Gelbart gorged himself at the capitalist table and came away with untold millions, now safely banked, and continues to collect even more millions from never-ending reruns of the “MASH” sitcom. Having made his bundle from our capitalist free-enterprise system, he seems to be telling us now that the rest of us should get in the socialist bread line and eat crumbs while he feasts on caviar.

One of the realities of this age is that the great mass of the American people haven’t traveled abroad to see how the rest of the world lives, a lot of it under dreary socialist regimes with stalled economies and no real chance for advancement for the ordinary citizen.

Moreover, our shoddy educational curriculum that has left most younger Americans so deficient in the study of history that vast numbers of them think George Washington was a Civil War general, or a lumberman who chopped down cherry trees. They have no real understanding of the economic system that allowed us to become the wealthiest and most powerful nation since the Roman Empire ruled most of the known world 2,000 years ago.

Given that mournful reality, the moment the economic Rolls Royce engine that drove this nation to the top of the hill stalls, instead of installing new spark plugs to get it going again, they go looking for an alternative mode of transportation.

In the present case, Obama and the Democrats are directing them to Larry Gelbart’s used-economic system lot where he shows them a jalopy with a fancy paint job on the outside and a one-cylinder motor inside that goes chug-chug.

Listening to the advice of a man who made his name and his money on a show about America’s military at war — yet told the same audience that our armed forces are nothing but “mercenaries” — doesn’t seem the smartest thing to do.

We are now a few days away from an election in which one of the presidential candidates is trying to sell that jalopy on Larry Gelbart’s lot and convince us that it is really a luxury limo that will get hundreds of miles to the gallon and carry us off to the promised land, where the rich will be impoverished and the middle class enriched and everybody will be deliriously happy.

Call Barack Obama’s program socialism, however, and he’ll swear on a stack of Qurans it isn’t. He calls it change. He says it’s fairness, not Marxism.


How does he explain the proven fact that he has been wallowing in a sty surrounded by fervent socialists and sharing in their swill for most of his life?

According to Fox’s Bill Sammon, his messiahship recalled that when he attended Occidental College in Los Angeles "to avoid being mistaken for a sellout, I chose my friends carefully," he wrote in "Dreams From My Father," his memoir. "The more politically active black students. The foreign students. The Chicanos. The Marxist professors and structural feminists." And that was his milieu for all his years in Chicago.

To anyone familiar with socialism, Obama’s programs fit comfortably within the pages of Karl Marx’s playbook, the root of which is the redistribution of the wealth, the key to the entire Obamian vault.

What’s mine is yours, and he’s the middle man.

It’s socialism lite, and it can only evolve into socialism heavy. Remember, you can’t be half-socialist, and Barack Obama knows it.

© 2008 Mike Reagan

Obama Would Kill Millions of Jobs

Romney: Obama Would Kill Millions of Jobs

Thursday, October 30, 2008 3:11 PM

By: Ronald Kessler

In the final days of the campaign, John McCain needs to emphasize that Barack Obama would kill millions of jobs, Mitt Romney tells Newsmax.

“It’s too late in the process to be unveiling new initiatives,” Romney says. “Instead, you focus on the consequences of an Obama presidency and the benefits of a McCain presidency. And frankly, in my lifetime, I don’t recall a more anti-job program than Barack Obama’s.”

McCain’s program creates jobs, Romney says, while Obama’s shrinks them.

“My own view is that’s the message in the last days. Boil it down in a way that people understand,” Romney says. “You don’t have to go through all the differences and the details. The headline is: Barack Obama will kill millions of jobs in America; John McCain will create millions of jobs in America.”

While the economic crisis has hurt McCain’s chances, “What caused this downturn was profligate borrowing in the mortgage market,” Romney observes. “And who’s been pushing that? Democrats and a lot of Republicans. And then, when it came to regulate that borrowing, Republicans wanted to regulate it and reform Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Democrats said no, just hand out the money. That’s what caused this downturn.”

In fact, “Republican Senator John Sununu of New Hampshire authored a bill to rein in Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac; Democrats blocked it,” Romney says. “This is Barney Frank trying to do the old two-step. This is the guy that led the charge to hand out mortgage money to people who couldn’t afford to pay. And it’s caused the crisis that we’re seeing. It’s just easy to say blame George Bush, and that’s what the Democrats are doing.”

Obama’s program would kill jobs because it would raise taxes on companies and entrepreneurships that create jobs, Romney says.

In addition, “Putting a penalty on employers that don’t provide a government-approved healthcare program kills jobs,” he says. “The card check program to unionize small business kills a lot of jobs, permanently. And John McCain’s program creates jobs.

"He lowers taxes on employers to create incentives to add jobs. He puts in place a healthcare plan that lets individuals buy their own insurance and keeps the burden off employers. And he invests in truly becoming energy independent, which lowers our energy prices and makes it more attractive to do business in this country.”

Romney has been campaigning for McCain and he's also been campaigning for 28 congressional candidates, five U.S. Senate candidates, and two gubernatorial candidates.

Formed in April, Romney’s Free and Strong America PAC has donated $202,000 to 75 GOP candidates. He’s made another $173,000 in donations through his affiliated state PACs, including to the National Organization of Marriage in California to pass Proposition 8 and to an effort to stop a ballot initiative in Massachusetts to decriminalize marijuana use.

In all, financial support through Romney-controlled state and federal PACs has totaled $375,000.

Asked whether he would run for the presidency again, Romney says, “As you know, politics is a lot about timing; and when the window opens, you either step through or you decide not to. Well, the window opened for me, I stepped through, I got on the stage, battled hard, but I lost fair and square. And looking down the road, it’s hard to imagine the window opening again. But you know, time will tell.”

In the meantime, Romney is going on a whirlwind tour in the final days of the campaign.

“I think this is an absolutely critical time for our country, so all the team is pulling on the oars as hard as we can,” Romney says. “I’ve seen John McCain come from behind before, and it was in the race where he was running against me and Fred Thompson and Rudy Giuliani. He surprises folks. There’s not a lot of time to go, but I don’t count this race over yet.”

McCain Slams Obama for Breaking Donation Vow

McCain Slams Obama for Breaking Donation Vow

Thursday, October 30, 2008 12:25 PM

By: David A. Patten

Sen. Barack Obama bought his eye-popping, prime-time TV extravaganza with $4 million and something else: “It was paid for with broken promises,” says Sen. John McCain.

McCain is slamming Obama for breaking pledges to abide by campaign finance reform and accept public financing for his campaign.

“When you’re watching this gauzy, feel-good commercial, just remember that it was paid for with broken promises,” McCain said Wednesday evening. “Twice he looked the American people in the eye and said he would sit down with me before he abandoned public financing. He didn’t mean a word of it. When it was in his interest to break his promise, he tossed it aside like it didn’t mean a thing.”

Obama’s campaign “is now being flooded with hundreds of millions of dollars in undisclosed and questionable donations,”McCain said.

Obama’s June flip-flop on financing drew sharp criticism from some quarters but not generally from the mainstream media. Conservative direct-marketing guru Richard Viguerie told Newsmax the shift is part of a larger pattern.

“The facts of life are that Senator Obama makes decisions that help advance his career, and promises and relationships are to be discarded if they interfere with his ambitions,” Viguerie said.

Obama is the first presidential candidate to opt out of the public system of financing presidential campaigns. That system, which is designed to reduce the influence of huge campaign contributions on presidential politics, would have limited Obama to the same $85 million that McCain received when he accepted public financing.

When Obama announced his decision in June to reverse course and reject public financing, his aides confided privately that it could mar Obama’s image as a reformer offering a new brand of politics.

At the time, Obama blamed his decision on McCain and the GOP. “We’ve already seen that [McCain] is not going to stop the smears and attacks from his allies’ running so-called 527 groups, who will spend millions and millions of dollars in unlimited donations,” Obama said.

Viguerie rejects that explanation as “nothing more than a small and transparent fig leaf.”

Obama’s decision to reject public financing was a sharp reversal from earlier promises:

In early 2007, in a Federal Election Commission (FEC) filing, Obama stated that he wanted to work out an agreement with the Republican nominee to accept public financing.

Obama also stated on a questionnaire, “If I am the Democratic nominee, I will aggressively pursue an agreement with the Republican nominee to preserve a publicly financed general election,” according to The New York Times,

On Feb. 26, during the Democratic primary debate in Cleveland, Ohio, Obama said, “I will sit down with John McCain and make sure we have a system that works for everybody.” The McCain campaign maintains that Obama’s operatives never joined them in substantive negotiations before Obama’s announcement that he would not accept public financing.

On April 27, Obama told Fox News host Chris Wallace: “I have promised that I would sit down with John McCan and talk about can we preserve a public [financing] system.”

Obama’s reversal on public campaign financing, and the huge amounts of cash he is raising from unidentified or untraceable donors, inevitably will lead to a major scandal, McCain has warned. Obama has raised close to $200 million from donations of $200 or less, the level at which donors’ names do not have to be reported to the SEC. McCain has released the names of all of his donors, including those who contributed less than $200.

“Senator Obama has unleashed a force which we will pay a very dear price for sometime in the future, if not now,” McCain told The Washington Times on Oct. 22. “Because it’s very unlikely we can track down and document the contributions that he refused to reveal.”

Independent 527 groups, named after the section of the tax code that allows them to participate in political activity without being taxed, have almost gone unnoticed in this year’s election. Several reasons have been cited for their reduced impact:

The downturn in the economy has reduced the donations given to the independent groups that mount 527 campaigns.

McCain, a staunch advocate of campaign-finance reform, is a long-time critic of the influence of so-called soft-money, which may have discouraged some contributors.

The FEC fined several 527 organizations for their activities following the 2004 election, and the prospect of legal entanglements may have made them less attractive vehicles for influencing elections.

At the time Obama opted out of public financing, his advisers expected he could raise $200 to $300 million for the general election. Obama’s actual fundraising figures have far exceeded that amount. His campaign raised more than $150 million in September alone, which has allowed him to outspend McCain in some key battleground states by a margin of 2-to-1.

Indeed, it now appears likely that Obama will raise and spend more money than President Bush and Sen. John Kerry, combined, spent in 2004. And those figures do not account for the massive assistance Obama has received from groups such as ACORN, the AFL-CIO and other unions, abortion-rights, and other organizations.

Obama’s use of the Internet is sure to revolutionize campaign financing, experts say. But whether it will also trigger a push for reform remains to be seen. The Republican National Committee has filed a complaint with the FEC charging that a host of Obama donations come from fictitious figures or foreign sources, or exceed the legal limits.

All of which means that the burgeoning controversy over Obama’s fundraising practices may dog his administration from the very outset, if he wins the election.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations

Ex-CIA Expert: Obama Took Millions in Illegal Foreign Donations

Wednesday, October 29, 2008 9:27 PM

By: Kenneth R. Timmerman

A Newsmax investigation of Obama/Biden campaign contributors, undertaken in conjunction with a private investigative firm headed by a former CIA operations officer, has identified 118 donors who appear to lack U.S. citizenship.

Some of these “red flag” donors work for foreign governments; others have made public statements declaring that they are citizens of Cameroun, Nigeria, Pakistan, Canada, and other countries.

A Newsmax sampling of about 3,400 donors also found hundreds more who showed “yellow flags” such as not having used a Social Security number or a known U.S. address. Most U.S.-born citizens are issued Social Security numbers at birth or by the time they enter kindergarten.

Under federal law, only U.S. citizens or permanent residents may donate to federal political campaigns. It is illegal for the campaigns to accept money knowingly from foreign donors.

The McCain-Feingold campaign finance reform bill of 2002 placed new restrictions on political fundraising after the scandals of 1996, when the Clinton-Gore re-election campaign was exposed for having taken millions of dollars of unregulated soft money from donors with ties to Chinese military intelligence.

But even with the new laws, it remains very difficult to identify with any precision foreign money if a campaign itself does not cooperate with the Federal Election Commission and perform its own due diligence.

Until very recently, the Obama campaign had no safeguards in its online fundraising Web site designed to weed out foreign donors. Instead, its operations appeared to be designed specifically to enhance the flow of illegal money.

The Newsmax investigation focused only on donors whose names the Obama campaign disclosed, which are available to public scrutiny through the Federal Election Commission Web site.

In addition to the donations the campaign has disclosed, however, it has taken an unprecedented $218 million from donors whose names it is keeping secret, according to FEC spokesman Robert Biersack.

That money came from individuals who in theory never passed the threshold of $200, the limit the FEC set for public disclosure of a donor’s name and place of residence, so there is no way of knowing how much foreign money could be included in that amount.

For example, hidden away amidst the unprecedented $150 million Obama claims to have raised from individual donors in September was more than $42 million raised from secret donors. These donations appear in the records as a single entry under the heading, “Donors, Unitemized.”

Newsmax retained the services of former CIA operations officer Frederick W. Rustmann Jr. and a team of international forensic accounting experts to comb through Obama’s donor list to identify those who apparently aren’t U.S. citizens or residents. Rustmann, a 24 year veteran field officer, operates CTC International Group Ltd., a West Palm Beach, Fla., firm that provides business intelligence services and analysis.

Using sophisticated Internet search tools, fee-based data bases, and other public records, CTC attempted to identify Social Security numbers and U.S. addresses connected to the Obama donors. Most of these donors gave obvious overseas addresses when they made their donations, but the Obama campaign had no security screen to detect them.

“Hillary and McCain demanded proof of citizenship of all their donors,” Rustmann said. “Obama did not, so he benefitted by receiving an enormous amount of money from foreign donors who wanted to influence the U.S. election process.”

Rustmann and his investigative team expressed “high suspicions” that 118 donors flagged as “red” were not U.S. citizens.

“That’s all we can say for certain, because it’s difficult to prove citizenship with no database that lists citizens,” Rustmann said.

Typical is Victor A. of Lagos, Nigeria, who gave $500 to the campaign in May. In the FEC database, his address is listed as Ikoyi, NA. But a closer look at the actual itemized receipts filed by the campaign shows that he declared his address as 9e Awori Street Dolphin Estate, Lagos, Nigeria.

That apparently slipped by the eagle eyes of the Obama campaign’s finance team.

A survey of the Obama donor base returns 8,794 donations from individuals who gave their state as “NA.” They included donors from Bangalore, India; London; Dubai, United Arab Emirates; Lagos, Nigeria; and Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Thousands more gave state abbreviations that, combined with the city addresses they listed, clearly referred to foreign countries. Examples include IT (Italy), FR (France), GR (Greece), NZ (New Zealand), JP (Japan), GA (Gaza).

Another 2,372 donors gave their state of residence as “ZZ,” with cities including Moscow, Barcelona, Beirut, London, Lausanne, Singapore, Hagatna, Gunma-Ken, Buelach, Shanghai, Geneva, Prague, Aichi-Gun, Kiev, Hong Kong, and others.

The Obama campaign claims that these donors with overseas addresses are Americans living abroad, but there is no way of knowing that for certain because the campaign has not systematically required proof of citizenship from overseas donors.

The pace of foreign donations and other questionable fundraising practices has increased during the past few weeks, even as Obama campaign spokesmen say they have closed loopholes on their Web site and changed the credit-card authorization procedures that have allowed such donations. The Federal Election Commission had flagged 16,639 potential foreign donations as of Oct. 21 that brought in $5,249,263.96 to the campaign.

Take the case of Jo Jacquet, who gave $23,065 to Obama in 23 separate contributions last month. CTC found three people with variations of the name “Jo Anna Jacquet” who had U.S. addresses and Social Security numbers. It is not clear whether this specific Obama donor is a U.S. citizen.

“Jo Jacquet” made all of her contributions on two days, alternating between $5 and $2,300 charges to a credit card.

On all of the donations, she gave her employer as “DFDFGDFG,” and her profession as “DFGDFGDFGHFGH.” None of this attracted the suspicions of the Obama campaign or of Chase Paymentech, the company that processes the Obama campaign’s credit card donations.

The FEC requested that the Obama campaign re-attribute or re-designate all of the money from “Jo Jacquet” that went beyond the $4,600 limit but did not require that it be refunded. Under campaign finance rules, the campaign can shift this money into the “Obama Victory” account, a joint fundraising committee with much higher individual limits that it operates with the Democratic National Committee.

One apparent reason for the unusual number of foreign donors who may not hold U.S. citizenship is the fact the Obama campaign turned off the security features most merchants demand for customers when doing online transactions, such as verifying the card number against the cardholder’s name and billing address.

Another major loophole is the apparent widespread use of gift cards, which notoriously have been used for money-laundering purposes, especially in places such as Russia and Ukraine, industry security analysts tell Newsmax.

Newsmax asked James Wester, a spokesman for Chase Paymentech, who was responsible for taking the unusual step of deactivating the Address Verification Service recommended by VISA USA on the Obama Web site. Such security features can be deactivated by the processing company, or at the request of the merchant, in this case, Obama for America.

Wester said that Paymentech was “not going to be issuing a statement at this time.”

VISA USA has a series of verification tools it recommends to online merchants to prevent online credit card fraud and to guarantee the security of personal credit-card information.

“Fraudsters have been known to test credit card numbers by making online donations to charitable organizations,” a credit-card industry insider told Newsmax, on condition of anonymity.

In fact, by operating as a “high-risk merchant,” the Obama campaign could put both its donors and Chase Paymentech at risk, he said.

“A legitimate online merchant or charity would call in the Secret Service or the FBI” if it saw the high fraud rates that have appeared on the Obama campaign Web site.

“If they are not taking basic security safeguards to prevent such obvious online fraud as you have found, then how can any donor have confidence that they will protect credit card information? But if cash flow is the name of the game, it doesn’t matter as long as they get the money up-front and get the job done. They can pay the fines later,” he added.

Following are a few of the individuals the Newsmax/CTC International investigation found of overseas donors. To demonstrate its compliance with FEC regulations, the Obama campaign should request proof that these individuals are, indeed, U.S. citizens;

Nasser Z. of 187 Blvd Bineau in Paris-France, “NA,” made seven donations totaling $785. CTC found no record indicating U.S. citizenship. But on Nasser’s personal blog, he states that he is of Algerian origin and lives between Paris and Dubai. He also notes that he is not registered to vote in the United States and hints that he may be an adviser to the Obama campaign on Arab relations.

Salem H. gave $200 to the campaign in March 2008, listing a London address. He said he worked as a salesman for “Anaka,” No information was found either on Haffar or his company indicating U.S. citizenship.

Essomba H. made 11 donations totaling $265. Essomba gave an address in Lyon, “NA,” and said he was unemployed but working for “Association,” the French equivalent of a community organizer. CTC found that Essomba actually worked for PDT Associates Afrikespace et Oyenga, which showed him as living in Lyon, France. His personal blog states, "I'm a Cameroonian living in France” and notes that he is not registered to vote.

Gedewon (or Gideon) G. made 32 donations totaling $1,095. Although he lists his employer as “Filtom Design Services” and his residence as Toronto, Canada, CTC could find no company with that name. Gedewon frequently posts blogs to a Web site for expatriate Eritreans, where he often promotes Obama.

Mahamane M. gave $500 to the campaign and listed his address as Niamey, the capitol of the central African state of Niger. He listed his occupation as managing director of C.N.U.T. Niger. The Public Transport Users Council, CNUT is affiliated with the prime minister’s office. In an interview, Mahamane said he is particularly interested in developing transportation resources that will help bring Niger’s extensive uranium resources to market.

Gilles M. lives in Zurich and claims to be “founder and senior consultant” of 4?ME (sic) Image Consulting. Gilles made three donations to the campaign for a total of $240.39. The campaign found him suspicious enough to return one of them in July, but kept the rest. Under FEC rules, that will bring Gilles back into the shadows, since his aggregate contributions now total less than $200.

Stamen S. of Sofia, Bulgaria, lists his profession as “Mployer” and his employer as "Employer." He has made ten donations totaling $170. CTC found no record indicating U.S. citizenship.

Francis B. . of La Creche, France, made three donations totaling $200. He is reported as being a medicine physician at Hospital-Niort and is listed. CTC found no verifiable record of U.S. citizenship.

Pedro M.,. who said he was a salesman for Intermundo in Prague, made two donations for a total of $900. CTC found no verifiable record indicating U.S. citizenship.

Sandeep M., . an investment manager at Clariden Leu, Kuesnacht, in Zurich, Switzerland, gave the maximum $2,300 allowed per election. CTC found no verifiable record indicating U.S. citizenship.

Marissa M., . a nurse living in Guatemala City, gave eight $25 donations. CTC found no verifiable record indicating U.S. citizenship.

Somine L. . declared that she worked at the French Ministry of Culture in Paris, and donated $100. CTC found no verifiable record indicating U.S. citizenship.

Although CTC had no way of accurately evaluating the real amount of foreign donations based on the survey they did for Newsmax, Rustmann said he believe that the anecdotal evidence was clear.

“In my opinion, from what I have seen here, millions of dollars came from illegal donations, because the Obama campaign did little to vet the donors,” Rustmann said.

An earlier Newsmax estimate, based on the unusual occurrence of unrounded contributions, which fundraising experts attributed to foreign currency donations, concluded that as much as $63 million could have come from foreign sources.

A veteran investigator with the Criminal Investigative Division of the U.S. Secret Service told Newsmax on Monday that most of the donor fraud Newsmax has identified could fly under the radar of federal investigators, unless the feds received a complaint from a victim of identify fraud.

Identify fraud certainly appeared to be the case when it came to the $174,800 donated in September in the name of Manchester, Mo., resident, Mary T. Biskup. A retired insurance manager, Biksup told The Washington Post that she never gave the money to the Obama campaign, and had checked her credit-card statements and couldn’t find any trace of a charge to her account.

“We're not out a penny," Biskup said. "I gather that someone has hacked into something using other people's credit cards and putting my name on it."

The credit-card industry often covers up identify fraud, such as apparently occurred with Biskup. Credit-card companies would rather swallow losses and chargebacks than admit to consumers that criminals have cracked their security systems, insiders tell Newsmax.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

October 29, 2008

David Letterman's Opinion - Wow!

Subject: FW: David Letterman's Opinion - Wow!
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2008 11:57:30 +0000


David Letterman wrote this; it's the David we don't often see...

'As most of you know I am not a President
Bush fan, nor have I ever been, but this is not
about Bush, it is about us, as Americans, and it
seems to hit the mark.'
'The other day I was reading Newsweek
magazine and came across some Poll data I found
rather hard to believe. It must be true given
the source, right?
The Newsweek poll alleges that 67
percent of Americans are unhappy with the
direction the country is headed and 69 percent of
the country is unhappy with the performance of
the President. In essence 2/3 of the citizenry
just ain't happy and want a change. So being the
knuckle dragger I am, I started thinking, 'What
are we so unhappy about?''

A.. Is it that we have electricity and
running water 24 hours a day, 7 days a week?

B.. Is our unhappiness the result of
having air conditioning in the summer and heating
in the winter?

C.. Could it be that 95.4 percent of
these unhappy folks have a job?

D.. Maybe it is the ability to walk
into a grocery store at any time and see more
food in moments than Darfur has seen in the last

E.. Maybe it is the ability to drive our
cars and trucks from the Pacific Ocean to the
Atlantic Ocean without having to present
identification papers as we move through each

F.. Or possibly the hundreds of clean
and safe motels we would find along the way that
can provide temporary shelter?

G.. I guess having thousands of
restaurants with varying cuisine from around the
world is just not good enough either.

H. Or could it be that when we wreck
our car, emergency workers show up and provide
services to help all an d even send a helicopter
to take you to the hospital.

I.. Perhaps you are one of the 70
percent of Americans who own a home.< BR>
J.. You may be upset with knowing that
in the unfortunate case of a fire, a group of
trained firefighters will appear in moments and
use top notch equipment to extinguish the flames,
thus saving you, your family, and your

K.. Or if, while at home watching one
of your many flat screen TVs, a burglar or
prowler intrudes, an officer equipped with a gun
and a bullet-proof vest will come to defend you
and your family against attack or loss.

L.. This all in the backdrop of a
neighborhood free of bombs or militias raping and
pillaging the residents. Neighborhoods where
90% of teenagers own cell phones and computers.

M.. How about the complete religious,
social and political freedoms we enjoy that are
the envy of everyone in the world?

Maybe that i s what has 67% of you folks

Fact is, we are the largest group of
ungrateful, spoiled brats the world has ever
seen. No w onder the world loves the U.S. , yet
has a great disdain for its citizens. They see
us for what we are. The most blessed people in
the world who do nothing but complain about what
we don't have, and what we hate about the country
instead of thanking the good Lord we live here.

I know, I know. What about the
president who took us into war and has no plan to
get us out? The president who has a measly 31
percent approval rating? Is this the same
president who guided the nation in the dark days
after 9/11? The president that cut taxes to
bring an economy out of recession? Could this
be the same guy who has been called every name in
the book for succeeding in keeping all the
spoiled ungrateful brats safe from terrorist
attacks? The commander in chief of an
all-volunteer army that i s out there defending
you and me?

Did you hear how bad the President is
on the news or talk show? Did this news affect
you so much, make you so unhappy you couldn't
take a look around for yourself and see all the
good things and be glad? Think about
it......are you upset at the President because he
actually caused you personal pain OR is it
because the 'Media' told you he was failing to
kiss your sorry ungrateful behind every day.
Make no mistake about it.

The troops in Iraq and Afghanistan have
volunteered to serve, and in many cases may have
died for your freedom. There is currently no
draft in this country. They didn't have to go.
They are able to refuse to go and end up with
either a ''general'' discharge, an 'other than
honorable'' discharge or, worst case scenario, a
''dishonorable' ' discharge after a few days in
the brig.

So why then the flat -ou t discontentment
in the minds of 69 percent of Americans?
< BR>
Say what you want but I blame it on the
media. If it bleeds it leads and they
specialize in bad news. Everybody will watch a
car crash with blood and guts How many will
watch kids selling lemonade at the corner? The
media knows this and media outlets are for-profit
corporations. They offer what sells, and when
criticized, try to defend their actions by
'justifying' them in one way or another Just ask
why they tried to allow a murderer like O.J.
Simpson to write a book about how he didn't kill
his wife, but if he did he would have done it
this way......Insane!

Turn off the TV, burn Newsweek, and use the New
York Times for the bot tom of your bird cage.
Then start being grateful for all we have as
country. There is exponentially more good than
bad. We are am ong the most blessed people on
Earth and should thank God several times a day,
or at least be thankful and appreciative.' 'With
hurricanes, tornados, fires out of control, mud
slides, flooding, severe thunderstorms tearing up
the country from one end to another, and with the
threat of bird flu and terrorist attack s, 'Are we
sure this is a good time to take God out of the
Pledge of Allegiance?'
David Letterman

Please keep this in circulation. There
are so many people who need to read This

'We are all born ignorant, but one must work hard to
remain stupid.' ~Benjamin Franklin

Arabs: Obama ‘One of Us'

Arabs: Obama ‘One of Us'

While Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama “has tried to push his origins into the background, his ‘Islamic roots’ have won him a place in many Arabs’ hearts.”

That’s the observation of Iranian-born commentator Amir Taheri, whose column in Tuesday’s New York Post notes that many Arabs and other Muslims see Obama as “one of them.”

They see that Obama has Arabic-Islamic first and middle names: Barack means “blessed” and Hussein means “beautiful.” His last name is Swahili, an East African language based on Arabic, Taheri writes. His sister is named Oumah, Arabic for “the community of the faithful;” his daughter Malia bears the name of a daughter of the noted Caliph Othman; and his father and stepfather were both Muslims.

Although Taheri did not note it, Obama was raised partially as a Muslim when he lived in Indonesia with his mother and stepfather. While there, he studied at two schools and was registered at both as a Muslim student.

As such he received Islamic religious instruction, studied the Koran, and prayed with other students. He did attend mosque, albeit infrequently, with his stepfather.

Obama’s religious upbringing after Indonesia is somewhat of a mystery until his late 20s. At that point, Obama says he converted to Christianity after meeting the Rev. Jeremiah Wright in Chicago.

Still, Obama has maintained strong support from American Muslims, including Louis Farrakhan’s Nation of Islam movement. Farrakhan has endorsed Obama and has called him the “messiah.”

These factors have made Obama a big hit in the Arab world, where he has received wide praise, including:

The Syrian regime has indicated its preference for Obama. Buthaina Shaaban, an adviser to President Bashar al-Assad, has written: “The change suggested by Obama is essential not only for the U.S. but for the entire human family.”

Libyan leader Muammar al-Qaddafi called Obama “a Muslim” and said: “All the people in the Arab and Muslim world and in Africa applauded this man. They welcome him and prayed for his success,” although Qaddafi also expressed criticism of Obama’s comments on the future of Jerusalem.

Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef said this year: “We like Mr. Obama and we hope that he will win the election.”

Hezbollah’s second in command, Sheik Naim al-Kassim, urged Americans to vote for Obama as a step toward peace with Islam, and pro-Hezbollah columnist Amal Saad-Ghorayeb said there is “no doubt Arabs should welcome an Obama presidency,” according to Taheri.

In Saudi Arabia, commentator Hussein Shobokshi wrote that an Obama presidency “would mark an important moral transformation in the superpower and is a healthy indicator of the long-awaited improvement in the international arena.”
Some columnists also have noted Obama’s close ties to several Palestinian radicals, including Columbia University Prof. Rashid Khalidi — former communications director for the Palestinian Liberation Organization — and another Palestinian political activist, the late Edward Said.

The “Arab street” also favors Obama. Recent surveys found that he is the preferred candidate in Egypt, Jordan, Morocco, Algeria, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates.

© 2008 Newsmax. All rights reserved.

Obama's Plumbers

Obama's Plumbers

By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Wednesday, October 29, 2008 4:30 PM PT

Election '08: Ohio Democrats refused to act on ACORN's massive vote fraud. Yet they have time to scour the private records of Joe the Plumber. No wonder Barack Obama finds the Constitution an inconvenience.

Joe Wurzelbacher (also known as Joe the Plumber) has learned there's a price to pay for being the one to get Obama to admit that he has a socialist dream to "spread the wealth." Not only are you thrust into the public eye, you get the privilege of having government officials who support Obama rifle through private files looking for dirt on you.

Helen Jones-Kelley, director of the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services and a maxed-out contributor to the Obama campaign, has confirmed that she approved the check on Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher after the Oct. 15 presidential debate.

Jones-Kelley explained her governmental prying by saying, "Our practice is when someone is thrust quickly into the public spotlight, we often take a look" at them. For example, she cited the case of a lottery winner who was found to owe back child support. But Wurzelbacher didn't win the lottery; he merely asked how much more of his hard-earned money was going to be taxed away under the Obama plan.

According to the Columbus-Dispatch, at least four state computer checks on Wurzelbacher were conducted shortly after Republican John McCain frequently brought up "Joe the Plumber" during the final presidential debate. In addition to the Department of Job and Family Services, driver's license and vehicle registration information on "Joe" was pulled from Bureau of Motor Vehicles computers. BMV information on Wurzelbacher also was obtained through accounts assigned to the Cuyahoga County Child Support Enforcement Agency and the Toledo Police Department.

In a 2001 radio interview in which Obama again expressed belief in the "redistribution of wealth," the Illinois senator regretted that the Supreme Court "didn't break free from the essential constraints that were placed by the Founding Fathers in the Constitution." Will Obama, through his appointments to the court, remove those constraints? Is "Joe" only the first on an Obama's enemies list?

Contrast this investigative frenzy with the refusal of Ohio's Democratic Secretary of State, Jennifer Bruner, to use government records to check the thousands of new voters registered by ACORN and others for registration fraud. She also refused notify local election officials when fraud was discovered.

This isn't the first time team Obama has sought to stifle dissent, threatening to use the powers of government to intimidate and punish its opponents. A recent report on KMOV-TV in St. Louis said:

"The Barack Obama campaign is asking Missouri law enforcement to target anyone who lies or runs a misleading TV ad during the presidential campaign."

The Obama campaign will target anyone who says this emperor has no clothes. It wasn't long ago that a team of 30 lawyers, investigators and Democratic party operatives trekked up to Alaska to find dirt on Sarah Palin. Now they're after Joe the Plumber.

Should Obama, Sen. Harry Reid and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi gain unfettered control of the powers of government and the Supreme Court and reinstate the so-called Fairness Doctrine, they might come after you.

Let's See-----

Let's See-----

.A Guy named Joe, who happens to be a plumber with ambitions for a bigger business, questioned and challenged a Guy named Barack, who happens to be running for President of the US/Leader of the Free World.

And withing 24 hours the Media has given us more information about Joe's life than they've given us about Barack's life in the past 18 months.

Thanks to a diligent press corps, we now know about Joe's professional licensing status, his income tax situation, his employment history, his domestic squabbles, his voting record, everything associated with his personal identity; his education.. It's probably been reported somewhere whether he wears boxers or briefs.

Thanks to a lazy press corps.We still don't know what grades Obama made in college; how he got into Harvard; when he met Bill "the bomber" Ayers; when he stopped doing illegal drugs; his medical history; whether he still smokes cigarettes; the extent of his affiliation with socialist/communist organizations; why he's no longer a licensed attorney; whether he lied on his Bar application;----

Whether he'd qualify for a security clearance if he were just an "average Joe;" what passport he used to travel to Pakistan in 1981; who his ex-girlfriends are; whether he was or still is an Indonesian citizen; why his Kenyan grandmother insists he was born there; whether he was ever legally named Barry Soetoro or anything else besides Barack Hussein Obama-----;

Why he needed the help of a crook to purchase his family home; where he was on Nov. 6 and 7, 1999; what the long-version of his birth certificate says; why he helped an anti-American, pro-Islamic candidate for Kenyan President against US interests; why he listened to Rev. Wright's sermons for 20 years; how many times he took his kids to a Rev. Wright sermon; what he actually did as chair of the Annenberg Challenge; the depth of his relationship with ACORN.

Well, you get the idea.

But, really, I am SO relieved that the Mainstream Media has done its job vetting Joe The Plumber, who is NOT running for public office, but who had the AUDACITY to challenge Barack Hussein Obama, who wants my vote for President of the United States of America."

Best Regards

Best Regards,

> As I was listening to a news program last night, I watched in horror as Barack Obama made the statement with pride. . ."we are no
> longer a Christian nation"!!!!; we are now a nation of Christians, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, . . ." As with so many other
> statements I've heard him (and his wife) make, I never thought I'd see the day that I'd hear something like that from a
> presidential candidate in this nation. To think our forefathers fought and died for the right for our nation to be a Christian
> nation--and to have this man say with pride that we are no longer that. How far this na tion has come from what our founding
> fathers intended it to be.
> I hope that each of you will do what I'm doing now--send your concerns, written simply and sincerely, to the Christians on your
> email list. With God's help, and He is still in control of this nation and all else, we can show this man and the world in
> November that we are, indeed, still a Christian nation!
> How long is the beast allowed to have authority in Revelations?
> Revelations Chapter 13 tells us it is 42 months, and you know what that is.
> Almost a four-year term of a Presidency.
> All I can say is "Lord, Have mercy on us!"
> According to The Book of Revelations the anti-Christ is: The anti-Christ will
> Be a man, in his 40's, of MUSLIM descent, who will deceive the nations with
> Persuasive language, and have a MASSIVE Christ-like appeal....the prophecy says that people will flock to him and he will promise
> false hope and world peace, and when he is in power, will destroy everything..
> Do we recognize this description??
> I STRONGLY URGE each one of you to post this as many times as
> You can! Each opportunity that you have to send it to a friend or media outlet..do it! I refuse to take a chance on this unknown
> candidate who came out of nowhere.

> Why I (A Black Man) Can't Vote For Obama



> Why I (A Black Man) Can't Vote For Obama
> I wanted to send this article from Huntley Brown - he is a fabulous
> concert pianist, man of God and is a black man. I appreciate so much his
> reasoning for not voting for Obama, I would like to see this article
> spread out via Email to as many as possible. It's good stuff! Dcn. Miguel
> A. Salazar
> Why I Can't Vote For Obama -- By Huntley Brown
> Dear Friends,
> A few months ago I was asked for my perspective on Obama, I sent out an
> email with a few points. With the election just around the corner I
> decided to complete my perspective. Those of you on my e-list have seen
> some of this before but it's worth repeating...
> First I must say whoever wins the election will have my prayer support.
> Obama needs to be commended for his accomplishments but I need to explain
> why I will not be voting for him.
> Many of my friends process their identity through their blackness. I
> process my identity through Christ. Being a Christian (a Christ follower)
> means He leads I follow. I can't dictate the terms He does because He is
> the leader.
> I can't vote black because I am black; I have to vote Christian because
> that's who I am. Christian first, black second. Neither should anyone
> from the other ethnic groups vote because of ethnicity. 200 years from now
> I won't be asked if I was black or white. I will be asked if I knew Jesus
> and accepted Him as Lord and Savior.
> In an election there are many issues to consider but when a society gets
> abortion, same-sex marriage, embryonic stem-cell research, human cloning
> to name a few, wrong economic concerns will soon not matter.
> We need to follow Martin Luther King's words, don't judge someone by the
> color of their skin but by the content of their character. I don't know
> Obama so all I can go off is his voting record. His voting record earned
> him the title of the most liberal senator in the US Senate in 2007.
> NATIONAL JOURNAL: Obama: Most Liberal Senator in 2007 (01/31/2008)
> To beat Ted Kennedy and Hilary Clinton as the most liberal senator, takes
> some doing. Obama accomplished this feat in 2 short years. I wonder what
> would happen to America if he had four years to work with.
> There is a reason Planned Parenthood gives him a 100 % rating.
> There is a reason the homosexual community supports him.
> There is a reason Ahmadinejad, Chavez, Castro, Hamas etc. love him.
> There is a reason he said he would nominate liberal judges to the Supreme
> Court. There is a reason he voted against the infanticide bill.
> There is a reason he voted No on the constitutional ban of same-sex
> marriage.
> There is a reason he voted No on banning partial birth abortion. There is
> a reason he voted No on confirming Justices Roberts and Alito. These two
> judges are conservatives and they have since overturned partial birth
> abortion. The same practice Obama wanted to continue.
> Let's take a look at the practice he wanted to continue
> The 5 Step Partial Birth Abortion procedures:
> A. Guided by ultrasound, the abortionist grabs the baby's leg with
> forceps. (Remember this is a live baby)
> B. The baby's leg is pulled out into the birth canal.
> C. The abortionist delivers the baby's entire body, except for the head.
> D. The abortionist jams scissors into the baby's skull. The scissors are
> then opened to enlarge the hole.
> E. The scissors are removed and a suction catheter is inserted. The
> child's brains are sucked out, causing the skull to collapse. The dead
> baby is then removed.
> God help him.
> There is a reason Obama opposed the parental notification law.
> Think about this: You can't give a kid an aspirin without parental
> notification but that same kid can have an abortion without parental
> notification. This is insane.
> There is a reason he went to Jeremiah Wright's church for 20 years.
> Obama tells us he has good judgment but he sat under Jeremiah Wright
> teaching for 20 years. Now he is condemning Wright's sermons. I wonder why
> now?
> Obama said Jeremiah Wright led him to the Lord and discipled him. A
> disciple is one in training. Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19 - 20 "Go and
> make disciples of all nations." This means reproduce yourself. Teach
> people to think like you, walk like you; talk like you believe what you
> believe etc. The question I have is what did Jeremiah Wright teach him?
> Would you support a White President who went to a church which has tenets
> that said they have a
> 1. Commitment to the White Community
> 2. Commitment to the White Family
> 3. Adherence to the White Work Ethic
> 4. Pledge to make the fruits of all developing and acquired skills
> available to the White Community.
> 5. Pledge to Allocate Regularly, a Portion of Personal Resources for
> Strengthening and Supporting White Institutions
> 6. Pledge allegiance to all White leadership who espouse and embrace the
> White Value System
> 7. Personal commitment to embracement of the White Value System.
> Would you support a President who went to a church like that?
> Just change the word from white to black and you have the tenets of
> Obama's former church. If President Bush was a member of a church like
> this, he would be called a racist. Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton would
> have been marching outside.
> This kind of church is a racist church. Obama did not wake up after 20
> years and just discovered he went to a racist church. The church can't be
> about race. Jesus did not come for any particular race. He came for the
> whole world.
> A church can't have a value system based on race. The churches value
> system has to be based on biblical mandate. It does not matter if it's a
> white church or a black church it's still wrong. Anyone from either race
> that attends a church like this would never get my vote.
> Obama's former Pastor Jeremiah Wright is a disciple of liberal theologian
> James Cone, author of the 1970 book A Black Theology of Liberation. Cone
> once wrote: "Black theology refuses to accept a God who is not identified
> totally with the goals of the black community. If God is not for us and
> against white people, then he is a murderer, and we had better kill him.
> Cone is the man Obama's mentor looks up to. Does Obama believe this?
> So what does all this mean for the nation?
> In the past when the Lord brought someone with the beliefs of Obama to
> lead a nation it meant one thing - judgment.
> Read 1 Samuel 8 when Israel asked for a king. First God says in 1 Samuel
> 1:9 "Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what the
> king who will reign over them will do."
> Then God says
> 1 Samuel 1:18 " When that day comes, you will cry out for relief from the
> king you have chosen, and the LORD will not answer you in that day." 19
> But the people refused to listen to Samuel. "No!" they said. "We want a
> king over us. 20 Then we will be like all the other nations, with a king
> to lead us and to go out before us and fight our battles." 21 When Samuel
> heard all that the people said, he repeated it before the LORD. 22 The
> LORD answered, "Listen to them and give them a king."
> Here is what we know for sure.
> God is not schizophrenic
> He would not tell one person to vote for Obama and one to vote for McCain.
> As the scripture says, a city divided against itself cannot stand, so
> obviously many people are not hearing from God.
> Maybe I am the one not hearing but I know God does not change and Obama
> contradicts many things I read in scripture so I doubt it.
> For all my friends who are voting for Obama can you really look God in the
> face and say; Father based on your word, I am voting for Obama even though
> I know he will continue the genocidal practice of partial birth abortion.
> He might have to nominate three or four Supreme Court justices, and I am
> sure he will be nominating liberal judges who will be making laws that are
> against you. I also know he will continue to push for homosexual rights,
> even though you destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for this. I know I can look
> the other way because of the economy.
> I could not see Jesus agreeing with many of Obama's positions. Finally I
> have two questions for all my liberal friends.
> Since we know someone's value system has to be placed on the nation,
> 1. Whose value system should be placed on the nation.
> 2. Who should determine that this is the right value system for the
> nation?
> Blessings,
> Huntley Brown
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