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October 27, 2008



Law of Estoppel Snags Obama:
"I am ineligible... to serve as President..."

Pennsylvania attorney Phillip Berg, in his lawsuit (see documents
at http://obamacrimes.com) questioning Barack Hussein Obama's
right to become President, filed a request for admissions. In the
request, he stated certain allegations and required Obama and the
DNC to admit to the truth of them or to deny them within 30 days.
According to the Rules of Civil Procedure, the respondent must
answer within the specified time frame or the court will accept
the silence of the respondent as acquiescence - an admission of
the truth of the allegations. The respondent thereby estops his
future protests against the factual nature of the allegations.

Unfortunately for the People of America, neither Barack nor
the DNC came forward to admit or deny Berg's allegations within
the allotted time. Now we have a constitutional challenge on
our hands. Ipso facto, the court must assume Obama and the DNC
admitted to the allegations, and it must rule that Obama has no
right to pursue the office of President of the United States. Why?
Because these admissions prove that Obama has no right to run
for president or become president - they admit that he did not
qualify by way of natural born citizenship.

Instead of responding to the request for admissions, Barack put his
campaign on hold and jetted off to Hawaii to tend to his ailing
grandmother. I consider this "coincidence" way too coincidental.
I believe he has gone to do damage control - to find some sneaky
way to fabricate and/or slip into the system some kind of plausible
birth certificate in a criminal effort to prove the US citizenship
which he has to this point refused to substantiate by credible
documented evidence.

Before you start feeling too sorry for Obama and his supporters,
remember that Obama had plenty of opportunity to present proper and
certified evidence of his birth. And the public has every right
to question his integrity, in light of the sketchy history of
his mother's country-hopping and multi-nationalist associations
preceding and coinciding with his birth. In his arrogance,
Obama refused to presentc credible evidence of his birth, and
he has tried to get the court challenge dismissed out of hand.
If he somehow gets into the presidency, I believe we can expect
more of the same recalcitrant deceit and duplicity.

This has NOTHING to do with Obama's politics. It has to do with
his obedience to his oath of loyalty to the Constitution for the
USA and the laws pursuant thereto.

Law Notes:

1.. Silence constitutes acquiescence and it can equate to fraud
for one who has the duty to respond.
2.. Silence constitutes an implied representation of the
existence of the state of facts in question and will operate
as an estoppel.
3.. "Silence can only be equated with fraud where there
is a legal or moral duty to speak or where an inquiry left
unanswered would be intentionally misleading." U.S. v. Tweel,
550 F. 2d. 297, 299 (5th Cir. 1977), quoting U.S. v. Prudden,
424 F.2d 1021, 1032 and Carmine v. Bowen, 64
A. 932 (1906).;
4.. "He who is silent when conscience requires him to speak
shall be debarred from speaking when conscience requires him
to be silent." Seaboard Air Line Railway Co. v. D. A. Dorsey,
1932.FL.40867, 149 So. 759 (1932).
5.. Federal Rules of Evidence Rule 301 provides for "Admission
by silence." Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Rule 8(d),
Florida rules of Civil Procedure Rule 1.110(e) and Florida
Statute 90.803(6)(c) maintain that failure to deny constitutes
tacit admission.
6.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Requests_for_admissions

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