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July 29, 2008

Help us STOP Sen. Menendez as he tries to destroy illegal alien enforcement

Donations still below minimum for this month!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 8:30 a.m.

Can one man be powerful enough to destroy the work of millions?

If that man is a U.S. Senator, and he's firmly in the hip pocket of greedy business interests, the answer may be "yes." And if he's hostile to enforcement on illegal immigration, one man can practically be a Rule-Of-Law Demolition Squad!

What an ironic world we live in! One group of Representatives and Senators is struggling valiantly to make E-Verify mandatory. (As you know, E-Verify is the easy-to-use government database businesses use to make sure they do not hire illegal aliens.)

But one lawmaker, Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), has put a "hold" on the vote to re-authorize the E-Verify system. Without a reauthorization vote, the entire E-Verify system will be dismantled by the government this Fall!

What does Menendez want? More than a half-million permanent work visas for skilled foreign workers! He wants to bring in 550,000 more foreign workers while American workers in nearly every occupation are seeing jobs disappear and while our own college students wonder how they'll get a foot in the door in a plunging economy.

And if he doesn't get his way, he'll personally destroy our best tool for keeping illegal aliens out of jobs they do not deserve.

It's not surprising that Sen. Menendez has "earned" a lifetime F- grade from our Immigration Report Cards. He deserves it!

So are we going to stand by and let one man destroy so much of what we've fought for? No, DAVE , we are not. We're going to wreck Menendez's plan to destroy E-Verify. But we're going to need your financial help, as well as your faxing and phoning, this month to do so.

You and your fellow NumbersUSA members have already sent hundreds of thousands of faxes to Congress this month, demanding that the law be upheld. We are girding ourselves up for much more struggle.

Many of our NumbersUSA members are having to take their belts in a notch. As a result, giving is off this summer to NumbersUSA. Would you be able to STEP UP a bit this month to help make up for the large number of members who cannot give during this bad economy?

That's what so many have already done. Listen to Angelo:

Dear Mr. Robb,

I would like to contribute more but cannot afford to. I believe illegal immigration is causing great damage to our country. I hope we succeed.

Angelo N.

> > Angelo is right. Illegal Immigration is hurting our country, and Sen. Menendez must be stopped from wrecking the hard-won advances we've made in enforcement.

So, please, volunteer and donate this month. < <

Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.


Vice President, Operations

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