We will try to cover the important happenings in our Beautiful Country, tell of events, people, the good as well as the bad and ugly.

July 21, 2008

Short of changing history?

We are just 28 signatures short of changing history?

There's a rebellion afoot in the U.S. House of Representatives. What kind of rebellion? A rebellion against . . .

. . . greed, indifference, and a House leadership uncaring of the plight of ordinary Americans. (It's about time there was a rebellion. New polling shows that only 18% of Americans are happy with Congress!)

You've heard of the SAVE Act by now, haven't you? It should be called the "Solve Illegal Immigration Act," because that's what it will do.

Our champion, Rep. Heath Shuler (D-NC), has written a masterful bill that would choke off illegal immigration at its ultimate source--jobs going to illegal aliens.

By requiring employers to verify the Social Security numbers presented by new employees with a simple government database, most illegal aliens can be found out and denied jobs.

Added to the great additional border protections in the bill, shutting off the job magnet will gradually send most illegals packing for their home countries. For them, it will be too hard to get in with less gain in staying.

Now Shuler's brilliant bill has a real chance of becoming law. Our friends in Congress have launched an end-run against Nancy Pelosi and her House leadership.

A "discharge petition" effort has been launched. If a majority of the House members sign the discharge petition, Pelosi will be forced by House rules to schedule a vote on the bill. Passage would then be virtually guaranteed, since the majority are already on record supporting it.

We are now only 28 signatures short of success in the petition. This is big news! Only about two dozen discharge petitions have ever succeeded, and we are close to achieving that.

Do you see now why Roy and Rosemary and the rest of the NumbersUSA team have pushed the SAVE Act discharge petition so forcefully?

Yet for us to keep sending millions of your faxes to Congress, to keep the nation's finest lobbyists pressing our case on Capitol Hill, to keep this web site humming, we have an urgent need for more financial support this summer.

I'm very aware that times are very hard in the economy now. Gas prices are high. Food has risen. Jobs are scarce. Houses are being repossessed right here in my Northern Virginia neighborhood.

Many of our NumbersUSA members are having to take their belts in a notch. As a result, giving is off this summer to NumbersUSA.

Even though times are tough, we cannot stumble this close to victory. Members who can still give really need to step up, and pick up the burden from those who don't have jobs or money. Only if we pitch in together now can we hope to win.

Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help.

Vice President, Operations

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