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August 14, 2008

"Drill Here and Drill Now!"

The American people are telling our elected officials: "Drill Here and Drill Now!"

But five Republicans-in-Name-Only (RINOs) are siding with the NO NEW DRILLING CROWD in Congress and basically betraying American families suffering severe financial hardship because of the high price of gasoline at the pump.

You've probably already heard the news. Five RINOs are trying to strike a deal with the devil and they're calling it a "compromise."

But like last year's so-called attempted "compromise" on amnesty for 12-20 million illegal aliens... it is NO SUCH THING!

In actuality, it's a complete and total surrender... a capitulation to liberals who see record energy costs as a political football and tell you "inflate your tires," "we can't drive our SUVs" or we can't "eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees."

If you listened to Rush Limbaugh on Friday, you already know some of the sordid and DECEPTIVE details of this proposed SURRENDER:

"Essentially there is a Gang of Ten senators, five Republicans led by Lindsey Graham, John Thune, Saxby Chambliss, Bob Corker, and Johnny Isaakson. They joined five Democrats to craft an energy bill in the Senate that is exactly what Barack Obama wants. It is an utter disaster." [Emphasis Mine]

"It's a Democrat giveaway. ... The regulatory hurdles are huge. They have expanded. They are higher. PETA has a role. The ACLU has a role. The bill bars drilling within 50 miles of the United States coastline. That puts off limits some of the most productive areas -- even if the states allow it -- including in ANWR. Well, you can only drill in four states anyway under this bill, but no -- you can't drill any closer to 50 miles of the coastline... This deal would allow drilling if -- if and when -- the EPA and PETA and states and cities and counties and the ACLU clear the way."

In other words, Limbaugh is essentially saying, we CAN drill as long as we drill only when PETA and the ACLU and the EPA say it's okay to drill!

That's NOT "compromise!" That's essentially the same scam liberals have been perpetrating on the American people all along!

And make no mistake, RIGHT NOW, at this very minute, these ten Senators are advancing their treacherous case... attempting to drive a stake into the heart of the grassroots movement to force Congress to "Drill Here and Drill Now!"

We can't let that happen!

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush, Senators Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson and each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them that this ill-hatched plan from Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson MUST NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!


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Can You Believe The Audacity?

Good people are in a rage over this betrayal.

And yet, Graham and Thune and Chambliss and Corker and Isaakson seem to not only be OBLIVIOUS to this rage, they're becoming blatantly and openly DEFIANT!

Chambliss actually called into Neal Boortz's show and attempted to defend his betrayal:

"As I went around the state all day Friday, Saturday and Sunday... people were saying to me, 'You guys are doing the right thing... '"

Who is he trying to fool?

Chambliss also said:

"People voted for me in 2002 to go to the Senate to solve problems -- not have campaign issues to deal with."

Newsflash Senator Chambliss; capitulating to those who want to continue the same old failed policies that got us into this mess in the first place DOES NOT solve the problem! And actually trying to solve a real problem is not simply a "campaign issue."

One of Rush's callers describes a heated verbal exchange with one of Graham's staffers:

"Republicans are tired of you compromising with the Democrats. If we wanted a Democrat plan, we would vote for them. We want to drill on American soil. Conservatives are excited about this. You would have so much money flowing in, if you would fight for our ideals."

Another describes a call to Chambliss's office (note the staffer's dismissive and arrogant attitude):

"'Well, we've already gotten a bunch of calls about this,' and I said, 'Now you got one more.' I said, 'You better tell the senator, he better get his head out of his b___ and he better back away from this, cause he's going to lose a lot of votes and, you know, he's going to have to pack his bags and find another line of work, next time he comes up for election.'"

Another caller had this to say:

"And when I heard it, it just outraged me, and I got on the phone to both Isaakson and Chambliss's office and I told them, 'What's wrong with these guys? Have they lost their minds?' I said, 'Do they not understand that people in this state and in our country want us to drill for our own oil?' And I said, 'I don't consider it nothing less than a stab in the back.' And I said they better back away from this. The thing about it is, Rush, I voted for these guys, and I'm ashamed I voted for them now."

Here's your chance to join these outraged Americans in protesting this betrayal by five senators we all thought we could trust.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush, Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson and each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them that this ill-hatched plan from Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson MUST NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!


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So What Is Really Wrong With This So-Called Compromise?

First of all, there was no need to "compromise."

It is, after all, an election year and the opposition was starting to feel the heat. More than 70% of the American people now support more domestic drilling. The opposition was weakening!

The Wall Street Journal's Kimberly Strassel recently wrote of the catastrophic consequences of this disastrous and treacherous defection:

"The Sierra Club couldn't have penned it better. And so the Republican Five has potentially given anti-drilling Democrats the political cover they need to neutralize energy through November."

"Sen. Obama was thrilled. He quickly praised the Gang's bipartisan spirit, and warmed up to a possible compromise. Of course, he means removing even the token drilling provisions now in the bill. But he's only too happy for the focus to remain on the Gang's efforts, and in particular on the five Republicans providing his party its fig leaf."

So basically what Graham and Thune and Chambliss and Corker and Isaakson are trying to do is give the opposition a life-preserver and in the process snatch DEFEAT from the jaws of VICTORY!

But that isn't the only thing wrong with this "Gang of Ten" betrayal!

In a scornful analysis, the Institute for Energy Research released an analysis of the "Gang of Ten" betrayal, calling it a blueprint for economic and electoral disaster.

New production on federal offshore lands is left to the discretion of state legislatures.

Production potential is severely limited. Only four coastal states would be granted the ability to "opt out" of energy bans.

Arbitrary 50-mile buffer zones would exclude potential resource deposits, such as the Gulf of Mexico's Destin Dome, which is some 25 miles offshore.

The plan ignores the urgent national need to repeal the offshore energy exploration and production bans that have contributed to the very problem their plan purports to solve. It may even give the ban the force of permanent law for the first time ever.

Again, this is no "compromise." It is a total surrender in the guise of a "compromise."

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush, Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson and each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them that this ill-hatched plan from Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson MUST NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!


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Repeating The Same Failed Energy Policies Of The Last Thirty Years...

Recently, Senator Barack Obama recently said that lifting the moratorium on drilling would "merely prolong the failed energy policies we have seen from Washington for 30 years."

But, in actuality, it is this "Gang of Ten" betrayal which would "prolong the failed energy policies we have seen from Washington for 30 years."

Economist Robert Murphy issued the following statement:

"[T]his headline-hungry gang decided it had to do something before leaving town for the August vacation."

"The New Era plan is the same as the era we find ourselves stuck in today --flush in subsidies, tax credits, and various other government handouts, but short on the energy supplies our economy and our consumers need to prosper. American families would be better served if the Gang and the entire Congress simply stopped trying to help...."

Congressman Phil Gingrey had this to say in reference to Chambliss:

"While I respect our senators' desire to find legislation that reaches consensus with Senate Democrats, the American people are more interested in lower gas prices than in Senate procedural pleasantries. For far too long, this Congress has accepted 'compromise' energy legislation and look what it has got us -- $4 gasoline."

Rep. Gingrey is absolutely RIGHT!

Let's keep sending the message that needs to be sent: "Drill Here and Drill Now."

And while we're at it, let's add another message; "No Capitulations and No Betrayals."

And let's act quickly.

This "Gang of Ten" WILL try to ride out this storm and bring other RINOs to their side.

Now's the time for the American people to bring the lightning and thunder.

Use the hyperlink below to send your urgent and personalized Blast Fax Messages to President George W. Bush, Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson and each and every Member of the Republican Leadership of the United States Senate and the United States House of Representatives.

Tell them that this ill-hatched plan from Graham, Thune, Chambliss, Corker and Isaakson MUST NEVER SEE THE LIGHT OF DAY!


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Yours In Freedom,

Jeff Mazzella

P.S. Please help us reach as many concerned Americans as possible by forwarding this e-mail to at least 10 of your friends and family members.

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