We will try to cover the important happenings in our Beautiful Country, tell of events, people, the good as well as the bad and ugly.

September 22, 2008

Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Former Cheney Aide Says Bush Won’t Strike Iran
2. Media Matters Publicizes Obama’s ‘Muslim Connection’
3. Richard Viguerie: ‘Cranky Conservatives’ Behind Palin Pick
4. Lieberman Supporting Democrats for Senate
5. Islamic Militant: Britain Will Have Muslim Majority
6. Obama Spurns Harry Reid’s Cash Request
7. We Heard: Michelle Obama, Ed Asner, Laura Ingraham


1. Former Cheney Aide Says Bush Won’t Strike Iran

President Bush will not launch an attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities before leaving the White House, a former key national security adviser to Vice President Dick Cheney told The Jerusalem Post.

"No, Bush won't go," said David Wurmser, who served as Cheney's senior adviser on national security affairs from 2003 to 2007, specializing in the Middle East, terrorism, proliferation, and strategy.

Wurmser's comments came in Brussels during a conference on nuclear nonproliferation sponsored by the European Jewish Congress.

"Two things have to be in place for there to be an attack," Wurmser told the Post. "That time has run out, and that diplomacy has run out. The feeling to a large extent now is that diplomacy is working, that there is a trend in the regime toward moderation, that pressure is building on the regime."

According to Wurmser, the Bush administration’s thinking has gone from advocating regime change to favoring Iranian "behavior modification."

The hope now is not to replace the rule of the ayatollahs, but rather that a leader might emerge in Iran who would substantially change the regime's polices from within, according to Wurmser.

He said Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, “the British, and others" believe that to a large extent, recent American successes in Iraq came about because "Iran has acquiesced" and is not as involved in Iraq as it was previously.

He also asserted that Iran's military might, and its capacity to respond to any attack, was overblown.

Shmuel Bar, director of studies at the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, agreed with Wurmser that Iran's threat of a response to military action was exaggerated.

"Iranians are masters of bluff," he said during the conference, adding: "An Iranian response would not be as terrible as the reality which would ensue from an Iranian nuclear capability.”

Editor's Note:

Special: 6 Days of Hell: The Coming War with Iran


2. Media Matters Publicizes Obama’s ‘Muslim Connection’

The far-left Media Matters for America organization attacked a radio talk-show host over a discussion of Barack Obama’s alleged Muslim ties and ended up giving wider play to what would have been mostly overlooked remarks.

An article in Media Matters stated, “On the September 10 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, G. Gordon Liddy hosted self-described former terrorist Walid Shoebat to advance the false claim that Sen. Barack Obama . . . is a Muslim.”

Liddy also did not challenge Shoebat's claim that the terrorist organization Hamas supports Obama, Media Matters complained, asserting that the claim is false.

During the interview, Shoebat — who attended school in the Middle East and is a Christian convert — said, "No one is called Hussein unless he is Muslim. So it is very clear that Barack Hussein Obama is definitely a Muslim…

"In Islam, in the law of Shariah of Islam, the Prophet of Islam said . . . whoever leaves the Islamic faith is to be killed,” but “he is not called to be killed by the Muslims. Why do they support him?

"I haven't heard a really serious testimony of his Christian conversion. A Muslim who converts to Christianity, the first thing he does is denounce Islam. Has Barack Hussein Obama denounced Islam as a false religion?"

Liddy responded: "No."

Media Matters went on to give “air time” to more of Shoebat’s explosive claims. The organization reported that Shoebat said Obama “would be extremely dangerous” as president. “He's already calling for dismantlement of nuclear weapons. He's already calling for negotiations with Islamists. He's already calling to help Arabs who are arrested in America. He's already professed to hold hands with the Muslims.”

Asked what Obama might have learned when he went to school in Indonesia, Shoebat said, “Well, when I went to a government school — you know, it wasn't a madrassa. He was not in a madrassa school, but it was a government school.

“And in those schools, from fifth grade, we learned what is called Islamic eschatology, that the day of judgment will not come to pass until the tribes of Islam destroy the tribes of Israel, the Jewish people . . .

“We would learn that it's an honor for a Muslim to die as a martyr, to shed his blood for the cause of Allah. We would learn that the establishment of Shariah law is a mandate. We would learn that fighting jihad is a mandate against Israel, against the West, and those kinds of things. This is even in a government school, not even in a madrassa.”

Liddy asked if Obama, “would have been exposed to those things at the age of 10, in a government school over there in Indonesia.”

Shoebat said, “Yes. It would be the same thing. It would be exactly the same kind of an education system.”

Editor's Note:

Special: 7 Things You Don't Know About Obama


3. Richard Viguerie: ‘Cranky Conservatives’ Behind Palin Pick

Leading conservative activist Richard A. Viguerie credits “cranky conservatives” like himself for compelling what he calls John McCain’s “brilliant, game-changing selection of Sarah Palin” as his running mate.

He said conservatives pushed McCain into choosing Palin by making it clear they would not actively support the GOP campaign without a strong, principled conservative on the ticket.

“Those who backed John McCain as the ‘lesser of two evils’ did no favors to themselves, their movement, or to Senator McCain,” said Viguerie, chairman of ConservativeHG.com.

According to Viguerie, the “cranky” conservatives include:

Those who refused to endorse McCain until he announced his vice presidential candidate.
Conservatives who “went nuclear” in their criticism of McCain when talk emerged that he might choose as his running mate Joe Lieberman, Tom Ridge, or someone else “nearly as disastrous” for the McCain campaign.
Talk-show hosts and bloggers who chronicled conservatives’ dissatisfaction with McCain.
Republicans who declined to vote in the GOP primaries because there was no “real top-tier conservative contender.”
Conservatives who ignored GOP fundraising letters and “gave Republican telemarketers a piece of their mind instead of their money.”
Viguerie, who pioneered political direct mail and is credited as one of the creators of the modern conservative movement, added, “Some folks raise questions about John McCain’s health. But we know one thing about his health: His hearing works just fine.

“Across this country, conservatives and Republicans at every level let John McCain know what he needed to do to get them fired up and excited and ready to go door-to-door and make phone calls and do all the things that have to be done.

“They told him, and he listened, and his selection of Sarah Palin has completely turned his campaign around.”

Editor's Note:

Get Sarah Palin's New Book — Just Released


4. Lieberman Supporting Democrats for Senate

Independent Democrat Joe Lieberman is bucking his party by strongly supporting Republican John McCain for the presidency, but he is also backing Democratic senators up for re-election this year.

According to spokesman Scott Overland, Lieberman is supporting eight incumbent Democrats and one Republican for re-election, and three Democratic Senate hopefuls.

Winning his backing for re-election are Mark Pryor of Arkansas, Tom Harkin of Iowa, Mary Landrieu (Louisiana), Carl Levin (Michigan), Max Baucus (Montana), Jack Reed (Rhode Island), Tim Johnson (South Dakota), and West Virginia’s Jay Rockefeller.

Conspicuous by their absence from that list are John Kerry of Massachusetts — who turned his back on Lieberman’s successful bid for re-election as an independent after he lost the Democratic primary in Connecticut — New Jersey’s Frank Lautenberg, and Dick Durbin of Illinois.

Liberal Republican Susan Collins of Maine is the only GOP senator on Lieberman’s list.

Democratic hopefuls getting his support are Virginia’s Mark Warner, Mark Udall of Colorado, and Ronnie Musgrove of Mississippi.

If all the Democratic candidates Lieberman is backing win, that would help increase Democratic control of the Senate — which they have now by virtue of Lieberman’s vote — and boost chances that the Democrats would strip Lieberman of his post as chairman of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Overland declined to address that possibility, saying only: “We’re not commenting on that.”

Editor's Note:

Your Tiny Thyroid Hurting Your Heart, Weight


5. Islamic Militant: Britain Will Have Muslim Majority

An Islamic militant leader who lived in Britain for nearly two decades says the country will have a Muslim majority within 20 years.

Omar Bakri was born in Syria, and in 1986 settled in Britain, where he founded several Islamic organizations. He left the country in 2005 amid speculation that he would be arrested for treason and now lives in Lebanon.

“When [British authorities] saw that Islam was spreading in British universities at an unprecedented rate, and that the non-Muslims — the Hindus, the Christians and the Jews — were accepting Islam at an average rate of 21 people a day, it began to endanger their society,” Bakri said in a recent interview with Lebanon’s OTV.

“Within 20 years, British society will have a Muslim majority. Of course, this cannot be allowed by this secular regime, which wants to strip society of any religious values connected to Allah.”

Bakri, whose disciples have reportedly been linked to al-Qaida and who called the 9/11 hijackers “magnificent,” also said in the interview reported by the Middle East Media Research Institute, “The problem with Britain is that its law is not the law sent down by Allah . . .

“Today, America represents the camp of Western terrorism, and there is another camp of terrorism within Islam. But there are two types of terrorism: blessed and deplorable . . .

“America’s violence is meant to take lives, and so its terrorism is deplorable, whereas the violence the mujahedeen use for defense and retaliation is meant to protect lives and defend honor. Their terrorism is blessed. Not all terrorism is deplorable.”

Editor's Note:

Imagine Not Having This for Your Family in a Crisis


6. Obama Spurns Harry Reid’s Cash Request

Barack Obama has turned aside a direct request from Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to share some of his fundraising haul to aid Democratic senatorial candidates this November.

Obama raised $66 million in August, leaving his campaign with about $77 million in cash. He has turned down public financing, meaning he can keep raising money through Election Day, while his Republican opponent John McCain, who has accepted the public money, can’t.

But McCain already has $84 million in public money, and will get significant help from the Republican National Committee, which has greatly outraised its Democratic counterpart, as well as from the GOP’s state and local committees, Politico reported. That makes Obama reluctant to share his campaign war chest.

Reid and Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee Chairman Charles Schumer had hoped to pick up as much as $10 million from the Obama campaign as they seek to pad their Senate majority and counter the tens of millions of dollars the Republican National Committee will spend in states with competitive Senate races.

But the Obama campaign so far “has agreed only let Senate Democrats use Obama’s name — as well as those of his wife and running mate — in mail and online fundraising pitches,” according to Politico.

“The campaign has planned no joint fundraising events with House or Senate Democrats, and insiders say none is likely to be held before Election Day.”

Editor's Note:

The Coming Obama Stock Market Crash — Prepare Yourself


7. We Heard . . .

THAT the Obamas have a rabbi in the family.

Barack Obama’s wife Michelle is a first cousin once removed from Rabbi Capers Funnye, spiritual leader of the Beth Shalom B’nai Zaken Ethiopian Hebrew Congregation on Chicago’s South Side.

Funnye’s mother and Michelle’s paternal grandfather were brother and sister.

Funnye, a convert to Judaism, is considered the country’s “most prominent black rabbi,” according to the Jewish publication Forward, and “is well known in Jewish circles for acting as a bridge between mainstream Jewry and the much smaller, and largely separate, world of black Jewish congregations.”

The rabbi said he has not been involved in Obama’s campaign, but did donate money to the Democrat’s effort.

THAT lefty actor Ed Asner is now “a 9/11 conspiracy theorist,” the New York Post reports.

At a Los Angeles event marking the anniversary of the terrorist attacks, the “Lou Grant” star dozed off as the speaker before him spoke at great length.

Then Asner took the podium and told the gathering, “Americans will eat any [bleep] you give them, and somehow are allergic to the truth that can be had if they’d only try.”

THAT conservative talker Laura Ingraham’s radio show is debuting on station AM 570 KVI in Seattle and she can now be heard in 21 of the top 25 metropolitan markets.

Talk Radio Network Enterprises’ “The Laura Ingraham Show” will air weekdays from 3 p.m. to 6 p.m. Pacific Time.

The program is now ranked as the fifth largest syndicated show, according to Talkers magazine, with more than 300 affiliates nationwide.

Ingraham’s “conservative credentials are second to none and she will add a needed female perspective to the day’s political and news events at KVI,” said KVI’s Program Director Dennis Kelly.

Ingraham said, “Americans want and deserve smart, funny and irreverent talk, and I intend to keep giving it to them.”

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