We will try to cover the important happenings in our Beautiful Country, tell of events, people, the good as well as the bad and ugly.

October 5, 2008

Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Insider Report from Newsmax.com

Headlines (Scroll down for complete stories):
1. Ahmadinejad: 2,000 Jews Control the World
2. Ecuador Gives ‘Nature’ the Same Rights as People
3. Vatican Attacks Democrats as ‘a Party of Death’
4. Obama Channel Launched on DISH
5. U.N. Takes a Holiday — for Muslims, not Jews
6. Venezuela and France Discuss Nuclear Energy Deal


1. Ahmadinejad: 2,000 Jews Control the World

Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad has launched new verbal attacks against Israel, saying Zionist leaders are “germs of corruption” who will be wiped “off the face of the earth.”

Ahmadinejad’s recent comments on the Iranian News Channel were translated and released by the Middle East Media Research Institute on Thursday.

"The Zionists are crooks,” the Iranian leader declared.

“A small handful of Zionists, with a very intricate organization, have taken over the power centers of the world. According to our estimates, the main cadre of the Zionists consists of 2,000 individuals at most, and they have another 8,000 activists. In addition, they have several informants, who spy and provide them with intelligence information.”

This “cadre” controls the world’s financial centers and news and propaganda agencies, and spreads “propaganda as if they were the entire world, as if all the peoples supported them, and as if they were the majority ruling the world,” Ahmadinejad asserted.

"That is a great lie — just like their Jewishness is a great lie. They have no religion whatsoever. They are a handful of lying, power-greedy people who have no religion, who only want to take over all the peoples and countries, and to trample the rights of the peoples . . .

"A Zionist organization with 2,000 [members] and with 7,000 or 8,000 activists has brought the world to a state of confusion. Let me tell them that if they themselves do not wrap up Zionism, the strong arm of the peoples will wipe these germs of corruption off the face of the earth."

Ahmadinejad also claimed that that Zionists “kidnap oppressed, destitute, ignorant people from other countries, and bring them to the occupied lands to serve as human shields."

Editor's Note:

Special: 6 Days of Hell: the Coming War With Iran


2. Ecuador Gives ‘Nature’ the Same Rights as People

The citizens of Ecuador have approved a new constitution that essentially gives nature the same rights as human beings.

“Persons and people have the fundamental rights guaranteed in this constitution and in the international human rights instrument. Nature is subject to those rights given by this constitution and law,” reads one article in the document, the 20th constitution in the South American nation since 1830.

The constitution also states that nature “has the right to exist, persist, maintain and regenerate its vital cycles, structure, functions and its processes in evolution.”

As a result of the new constitution, “drilling or exploring for oil in environmentally sensitive areas could become increasingly difficult” in Ecuador, where oil revenues account for more than half the nation’s export earnings, the American Spectator notes.

For advice on the nature’s rights language in its constitution, Ecuador turned to a public interest law firm right here in the U.S., the Community Environmental Legal Defense Fund in Chambersburg, Pa.

The firm has already convinced some small municipalities in the U.S. to pass similar legislation to keep large corporations off their turf, according to the American Spectator story written by Thomas A. Szyszkiewicz.

The nature provision is not the only unsettling element of the new constitution.

President Rafael Correa will now be able to remain in office until 2017, dissolve congress at will, and seize and redistribute idle farmland. The constitution also enables him to take over control of the country’s monetary policy, and exercise exclusive authority over the budget.

The Spectator observes: “In other words, we are seeing the making of another Hugo Chavez-like Venezuela.”

Editor's Note:

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3. Vatican Attacks Democrats as ‘a Party of Death’

An outspoken Vatican authority has issued a sharp rebuke of Democrats in the U.S., and party leaders Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, over the abortion issue.

Former St. Louis Archbishop Raymond Burke, who was named prefect of the Vatican’s Supreme Court of the Apostolic Signature in June, told the Italian newspaper Avvenire that the Democratic Party risked “transforming itself definitively into a party of death for its decisions on bioethical issues.”

He said House Speaker Pelosi and Sen. Biden “while presenting themselves as good Catholics have presented Church doctrine on abortion in a false and tendentious way.”

Pelosi was criticized by Catholic leaders last month for saying the Church itself had long debated when human life begins. Biden also supports abortion rights.

Burke said pro-life Democrats are “rare” and complained that the party that helped “our immigrant parents and grandparents” prosper in the U.S. had changed so much over the years, Reuters reported.

Burke created a stir during the 2004 presidential campaign when he said Democratic nominee John Kerry, a Catholic, should be denied Communion because of his views on abortion.

Editor's Note:

Pope Benedict's Secret Battle with Radical Islam


4. Obama Channel Launched on DISH

The Barack Obama presidential campaign has spread its advertising tentacles to satellite TV — the DISH Network now has an “OBAMA channel.”

The channel initially played only Obama’s two-minute ad laying out his economic plan on a loop, over and over, Ben Smith of Politico reported.

But on Thursday, the channel began airing a wider variety of content, including other ads and the video that introduced him at the Democratic National Convention.

"DISH Network Channel 73 is paid advertising by the Obama campaign and is not an endorsement of Senator Obama by DISH Network,” company spokesman Parker McConachie said in an e-mail to Politico.

“DISH Network made the same offer to the McCain campaign, an offer that remains open."

One visitor to commentator Michelle Malkin’s Web site quipped, “Obama already has several of his own channels: ABC, CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, MTV, MSNBC, etc.”

Editor's Note:

Obama’s Financial Wrecking Ball — Prepare Yourself


5. U.N. Takes Holiday — for Muslims, Not Jews

The United Nations General Assembly and the U.N. Secretariat took last Tuesday off to honor a religious holiday.

However, it wasn’t for the Jewish holiday Rosh Hashana, which began Monday evening and is observed by some public and private entities. Rather, it was for Eid al-Fitr, the conclusion of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Judaism is the only major religion that that U.N. fails to recognize in any way. The world body has never closed its doors or delayed any of its activities for any Jewish holiday, reports Newsmax United Nations correspondent Stewart Stogel.

The General Assembly is also the home of the controversial "Zionism is Racism” resolution, which the U.N. has never officially rescinded.

The U.N. habit of ignoring Jewish sentiments came to a highly publicized flashpoint in 1999, when then-President Bill Clinton was scheduled to address the assembly on the first day of its two-week meeting.

That day, Sept. 20, also happened to be Yom Kippur, the holiest of Jewish holidays.

Clinton, sensing a possible political problem for his wife Hillary, who then was contemplating a run for the New York Senate seat she later won, asked then U.N. Secretary General Kofi Annan and General Assembly President Theo-Ben Gurirab of Namibia to delay the opening session for one day out of respect for the Jewish holiday.

The answer was no.

Clinton reacted with the unusual response of canceling his U.N. appearance. The world body, stunned at the snub, scrambled to reschedule Clinton for the next day.

The White House accepted, and Clinton delivered a speech insisting that the U.N. take a large role in stopping mass slaughter around the world.

At the time, the U.N. was reeling for allowing the disintegration and subsequent ethnic cleansing of the former Yugoslavia to go essentially unchallenged. Although no accurate records exist, the U.N. estimates that more than 500,000 people may have been killed in the former Yugoslavia.

Editor's Note:

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6. Venezuela and France Discuss Nuclear Energy Deal

France is willing to help Venezuela develop a civilian nuclear energy program, the two countries’ foreign ministers announced.

Venezuela’s Nicolas Maduro told reporters in Paris on Thursday that humanity’s future depended, in part, on nuclear energy, The Guardian in Britain reported.

France’s Bernard Kouchner also said France would like to use Venezuela — a staunch critic of the U.S. — as a go-between with Iran in discussions about its nuclear program, but Iran had so far proved unreceptive.

Venezuela is a major petroleum exporter, while France is home to nuclear giant Areva and is a leading exporter of nuclear technology.

Editor's Note:

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