We will try to cover the important happenings in our Beautiful Country, tell of events, people, the good as well as the bad and ugly.

October 3, 2008

Obama and the Middle Class

Obama and the Middle Class
As I listen to Senator Obama speak in Wisconsin today (Wed, Oct 1st) he states that he will make sure a plan is in place for MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA in the Bail Out Package. Someone needs to inform the EMPTY SUIT that MIDDLE CLASS AMERICA is the Bail Out Package. As long as you are not on welfare or an illegal immigrant receiving a FREE monthly check, FREE medical benefits and FREE housing you must go to work (as an employee as well as small business owner) everyday and pay your taxes and your own way because NO ONE is going to Bail you out. He also proposes to cut taxes for 95% of middle America, National Health Care, rebuild infrastructure, build new schools, lower the cost of college education, 500 Billion for new energy programs just as a start. Cut taxes and increase spending...the last time I heard or read of a Miracle of that magnitude was when Jesus Christ fed the multitude with only 5 FISH and 5 LOAVES of BREAD. AAAAAAMEN

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