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October 22, 2008

Obama Campaign Tries to Soften Biden’s Warning

Obama Campaign Tries to Soften Biden’s Warning -- About Obama
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
By Susan Jones, Senior Editor

Democratic vice presidential candidate Sen. Joe Biden holds up a baseball jersey with his name on it during a campaign rally at Cheney Stadium in Tacoma, Wash. Sunday, Oct. 19, 2008. (AP Photo/John Froschauer)(CNSNews.com) – On Sunday, Sen. Joe Biden warned that Barack Obama will be tested by an “international crisis” if he’s elected president.

By Tuesday, the Obama campaign was in damage-control mode, sending out surrogates to explain what Obama’s running mate really meant.

Former Virginia Gov. Tim Kaine, appearing on Fox & Friends Tuesday, tried to minimize Biden’s latest blurt by invoking Colin Powell’s endorsement of Obama:

“Well, look, I don’t think anybody in America will be surprised at the notion that the world is going to throw some tests at our next president,” Kaine said. “The next president, whoever it is, is going to face major challenges of national security.”

Kaine noted that Colin Powell, in endorsing Obama on Sunday, had commented on Obama’s “calm and steady judgment.”

What Biden said at a Seattle-area fundraiser on Sunday is raising eyebrows, however:

"Mark my words," Biden was quoted as saying. “It will be not six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We're about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember, I said it standing here, if you don't remember anything else I said: Watch, we're gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy."

Biden offered “at least four or five scenarios,” including those involving the Middle East, Pakistan-Afghanistan, and Russia.

"And he's gonna need help,” Biden said about Obama. “And the kind of help he's gonna need is…we're gonna need you to use your influence, your influence within the community, to stand with him. Because it's not gonna be apparent initially, it's not gonna be apparent that we're right."

"Gird your loins," Biden told the crowd. "We're going to win with your help, God willing, we're gonna win, but this is not gonna be an easy ride.”

Biden, invoking his own foreign policy experience, said he wasn’t being “falsely humble.” He said said Obama “gets it,” but Biden also said he expects second-guessing as Obama’s presidential term progresses:

“But he’s gonna need your help. Because I promise you, you all are gonna be sitting here a year from now going, 'Oh my God, why are they there in the polls? Why is the polling so down? Why is this thing so tough?' We're gonna have to make some incredibly tough decisions in the first two years. So I'm asking you now, I'm asking you now, be prepared to stick with us. Remember the faith you had at this point because you're going to have to reinforce us."

According ABC News, Biden spoke for about 15 minutes, then noticed who was standing in the back of the ballroom: "I probably shouldn't have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here," he joked.

“Sen. Biden was just stating the obvious, which is the world is going to throw some challenges at this nation and at the next president. We gotta have somebody who can deal with them,” Kaine said on Tuesday.

According to most opinion polls, Sen. John McCain trumps Obama when it comes to national security issues.

That makes it particularly surprising that Biden would raise an issue on his which boss is perceived as relatively inexperienced and weak raises – just two weeks before the election.

‘Obama won’t have the right response’

Sen. John McCain worked Biden’s comments into a speech in Belton, Missouri, on Monday:

“The next President won't have time to get used to the office,” McCain said. “We face many challenges here at home, and many enemies abroad in this dangerous world. Just last night, Senator Biden guaranteed that if Senator Obama is elected, we will have an international crisis to test America's new President. We don't want a President who invites testing from the world at a time when our economy is in crisis and Americans are already fighting in two wars,” McCain said.

“What is more troubling is that Senator Biden told their campaign donors that when that crisis hits, they would have to stand with them because it wouldn't be apparent Senator Obama would have the right response.

“Forget apparent. Senator Obama won't have the right response, and we know that because we've seen the wrong response from him over and over during this campaign. He opposed the surge strategy that is bringing us victory in Iraq and will bring us victory in Afghanistan. He said he would sit down unconditionally with the world's worst dictators. When Russia invaded Georgia, Sen. Obama said the invaded country should show restraint.”

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mec at 08:30 AM - October 22, 2008
Nobody seems to have noticed, but the outside world is already showing Obama and the people's democratic party who is boss. The Russian move into Venezuela and the Gulf of Mexico shows that the United States is no longer a world power. Al Queda and Hamas are already doing victory dances. The United States was a great nation when it had a national will and ideals based on liberty and justice for all. Nothing lasts forever though. The Empires of Europe and the first Soviet Empire all crashed during the 20th Century. The Reich of A Thousand Years, lasted less than 20 and the Soviet Union lasted a single, not extraordianarily long life span. It would be interesting to see what will replace in the next few months and years.

bellez at 11:07 PM - October 21, 2008
I say give him 5-6 speaking engagements everyday. I beleive Obama picked him on purpose so that we think he is an idiot. I have tried to research everything, I honestly believe Obama is planning to turn Israel loose. He keeps saying he will make sure they have what they need, not we will defend them at every chance like Mccain. Our country will be destroyed by God if we let this radical in the oval office.. I absolutley believe Jesse Jackson. Obama states in his own books he listened and went to Markist speakers and writers he found more comfort there. "I will side with the Muslims if trouble arises" His words.. He already have Obama youth camps that chant "We are the Alpha and the Omega" the beginning and the end..Gods words to discribe himself.. Go look up Saul Alinsky..focus on MIDDLE CLASS..Take your target and hammer hammer and make him insecure..""ERATIC..ERATIC..ERATIC.. Just read Alinsky's first page..he taught Hillary and Bill. Marxism.Radical..Black Theology..Mind Control

rkeyo at 09:36 PM - October 21, 2008
Biden is a subprime moron.On the other hand, he has done a great deal to damage Obummer's campaign. However, I think he's sort of right, that a whole lot of nations will see Obummer as an Islamic quisling, and will "test" him. Unfortunately, we know how he will react when Iran, Russia, and Venezuela collude to raise the cost of oil: he will do nothing, and the price of gasoline will hit $10.00 a gallon. For starters...

orator at 06:29 PM - October 21, 2008
Yeah, he's gonna need a lot of help, but he isn't going to get any from you, Joe. And he's no JFK, either, despite his efforts to link himself with the former President. You two remind me of the three Stooges, except that there are only two of you. Who is the one that pokes his finger in the other's eyes? I would prefer you both get your ball-peen hammer out and start clonking one another on the head. Nah, a two-by-four would be a lot better.

hfrzz002 at 05:51 PM - October 21, 2008
We as a nation cannot feel safe with a party that will do away with The Patriot Act,cut our defense spending,give prisoners of war a civil trial.Obama is a pacifist, when we NEED STRONG LEADSRSHIP!!

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