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August 28, 2008

Don Imus: Obama an 'Empty Suit and a Phony'

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Don Imus: Obama an 'Empty Suit and a Phony'

Wednesday, August 27, 2008 4:18 PM

By: Phil Brennan Article Font Size

Nationally syndicated talk radio host Don Imus says he will back John McCain for president because Barack Obama is “an empty suit and a phony."

Imus, appearing on Monday's Fox News broadcast of "Your World with Neil Cavuto," said, "I have personal experience at that. When I made my remarks about the Rutgers basketball team, which was mean-spirited and directed at people who did not deserve to be made fun of — and was not funny — I apologized for that. I didn't offer any lame excuses, [but] he refused to place into context either my life … or any of the work that I had done in my life," Imus said.

"As I pointed out to Al Sharpton, I slept in the house here at the ranch with more black children who are not related to me than either one of them [the Obamas] ever have. And then when this psychopath Rev. Wright shoots his mouth off, and I wasn't serious, [but] he was serious making outrageous reprehensible remarks."

Imus continued, “The first thing Senator Obama asked all of us to do was to place this clown’s life in perspective and to consider the context. That's nonsense. I don't detest Senator Obama at all, I just think he’s disingenuous and a phony.”

Imus poked fun at the current Democratic National convention asking, “Why do the Democrats invite every loser — Dukakis and Gore and John Kerry and Clinton — hanging around to remind everybody that here is another guy who couldn't get it done. I don't get that. It just reminds us that it’s been one disastrous campaign after another.”

As for McCain, Imus said he thinks the Arizona senator “has the potential to be a president in the tradition of Teddy Roosevelt, and I love the guy.”

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