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August 25, 2008

Obama's 3 AM Text Message: Jab at Hillary?

Breaking from Newsmax.com

Obama's 3 AM Text Message: Jab at Hillary?

Barack Obama didn't pick Hillary Clinton as his running mate. No surprise here. But the timing of his announcement -- early Saturday morning at 3 a.m. -- has some in the Clinton camp downright angry.

Obama had claimed he was vetting Hillary for the job and that she was on the short list of his potential picks. But that charade became apparent when he never asked her for financial or other documents typical of the vetting process.

The tea leaves have been clear: Obama was not going to pick Hillary. In a slap in her face, Obama announced that he was making her fired campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, as the chief of staff for his new running mate.

Some in the press saw another Obama jab at Hillary when his campaign released the text message to cell phone users announcing the Biden pick at about 3 a.m. Saturday morning.

It was Hilary's campaign that aired a TV commercial questioning whether Obama could answer the phone at "3 a.m." if some crisis erupted in the world.

Hillary has taken these hits from Obama with grace. She issued a statement via her email list Satuday congratulating Biden.

"Joe is a friend and colleague, a strong experienced leader and a devoted public servant. I look forward to not only seeing him in Denver next week but on the trail as I work to help Barack Obama and Joe Biden along with many other Democratic candidates campaign this fall."

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